"You're young and in love, its beautiful and passionate, but love is fickle. I would hate for you to be entrusted with everything my nephew has worked so hard for just to walk away when the time is right,"

Scoffing, I shake my head biting the sardonic smile stretching my lips. "My father and mother have ensured my financial wellbeing. I support myself without any assistance from Sidharth because unlike you I work for my way in this world and don't sit high and mighty leeching off the hard work of others," pushing back the seat I slap cash down on the table to cover the tab for the meal and strut out the restaurant.

My feet taps restlessly against the concrete sidewalk as I wait for Kade to pull up to the curb so I can seethe in my anger in a more private setting. I spin on my heels when the swoosh of the restaurant door sends a draft of warm air up my bare legs, meeting her sinister eyes. "I warned Neal about you and that mother of yours. Since Kavita and Naina came into our lives it's been disastrous, and it looks like you're the same,"

"You're a vile woman, now I know why Sidharth has such distaste for you. Your concern clearly stems from selfish motivations and a personal vendetta. You don't care about him or his life's work, all you worry about is control and power,"

"As a woman in a man's world you know what it's like. We have to work twice as hard to get what they have and I sure as hell won't lose it to the whims of some lovesick boy!"

"Rest assured your financial matters will be sound, bua," my spine tingles with ice at the low grinding voice behind us. His body stands rigid and unmoving as he speaks to his bua through gritted teeth and glaring eyes. A thick vein swells on the side of his neck and the middle of his forehead throbbing like it will explode any moment.

"You are to never speak to me or Anuksha, ever again!" the tenseness in his voice permeates the thick air around us. Its dominance echoes against the buildings that now seem smaller when faced against his deep, harsh tone. "I'm cutting you off completely," He takes a strong hold of my hand forming our fingers into a tight lock to the point where my knuckles and his turn white.

"Kavita, stop fussing, I'm fine," chuckling, dad takes a hold of maa's hand pressing it to his lips.

"She wouldn't have to fuss if you listen to her," dadu chides from behind a magazine, his eyes glimmering with laughter.

"Yes, Rahul! You're forgetting you still have months of therapy and recovery ahead," dadi, ever the worried one, brushes her fingers through dad's thick salt and pepper hair.

"Dadi is right. You still need to take it easy, papa," I wrap my arms around her stomach resting my chin on her shoulder. Smiling, she presses her lips to my forehead, gently caressing my face with her soft, smooth hands.

"Stop worrying, all of you, please," Dad has never been one to take himself too seriously. I remember many times how he would muddle through the flu like it was nothing, refusing to acknowledge that he was in fact sick. "I'm feeling fine, haven't felt this numb since I was in college," laughing, he sinks back into the pillows, tightening his hold on maa's hand.

"Last night could have been fatal, Rahul," weighted down by dark circles and bloodshot red, maa lowers her eyes to the ground, biting her lips to push away the morbid thoughts that plagued her mind for hours on end.

"I know, which is why I'm beyond the sky and stars right now," reaching across the bed with his uninjured arm, he pulls maa closer to him. Gently, she wraps her arms around his neck, resting her cheek against his forehead.

"I love you," she whispers, brushing her nose against his.

"Save it for when you get home," sitting on the edge of the bed, I slide up beside him resting my head against his right shoulder, examining the bulky bandaging over his heart and left shoulder.

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