Part I

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It's like jumping off a tall cliff diving head first into the deep ocean below

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It's like jumping off a tall cliff diving head first into the deep ocean below.

Chilly sea air pricks your skin, like taking in the sight of your lover. 

Crisp, powerful briny particles surround your being like your lover's embrace. 

Dodging the rocks below your outstretched arms break through the surface of the water, generating a ripple that changes the tides of the sea. There is intimacy like in the shared words of your partner and scared exchanges between your bodies, minds, and souls.  

Submerged you're welcomed by strong waves and tiny air bubbles pecking your skin. Just like loving is grandest and smallest of things all at the same time. 

You can drown, or you can float. The currents can rip you apart and carry you away. The vast unknown can trap you at the ankles pulling you down into the dark abyss.  

Love is just the same. You just have to take a leap. 

Some might jump with you, some might not. Some might drown with you, some might drown for you. The tides will change the course and the currents will tug and pull, but there will be that one person who endures it all with you. 

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