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"Hey," to my surprise, Sidharth's half-sister, Natalia pulls Nima into a tight embrace. "How's your dad doing? I saw the news,"

"He's in recovery from surgery right now. We're just waiting for the results," cradling the brown bag of takeout to her chest, Nima pales in the face looking between Natalia and I. "Uh-Di, this is Natalia, I intern for the company she works at,"

"Natalia, this is-"

"We've met before. It's good to see you again, Natalia," I extend my hand from under the warm paper bag to shake her hand. "I didn't know the two of you were close," a pettish feeling forms in my stomach with a biting suspicion.

"Recently when we discovered our mutual connection, we got to know each other better," Natalia answers very rehearsed and slightly frantic.

"And what would that connection be?"

"Well you and Sid of course," Nima chuckles, much against the uneasiness swarming in her eyes.

"It's actually why I'm here, there's something-"

"Di! Come's Sidharth," Aryan comes rushing from the elevator bay, tugging me by the arm.

Too frazzled to even think straight, I exchange a brief look of dread with Nima, hurrying to the lift. Anxiously I shove the bags of food into Aryan's arms, desperately tapping on the button for the floor. "He fainted and nothing is resuscitating him,"

Darting out the elevator, I barely skirt around a nurse doing rounds in the ward before I make it to the waiting room where Sid lies unconscious on the floor. A nurse delivers CPR while maa reads off his vitals, both of them looking grave with angst.

Grabbing my purse, I fish out the syringe safety tucked in a side pocket with an alcohol wipe. Ripping the plastic wrapping with my teeth, I drop to my knees beside Sid's body, unbuckling his pants. "Help me pull his pants down," I shout, tearing open the disinfectant pad and squirting a small stream of clear liquid out the needle.

Aryan shimmies Sid's black pants down, enough where I can wipe the area on his right groin to inject directly into the main vein. Pressing the bevel into his skin, I press on the plunger shooting the liquid into his bloodstream. Within seconds he stabilizes, slowly coming to himself.

Dazedly he blinks, adjusting to the bright light in the room and the gawking faces surrounding him. Lifting his head into my lap, I calmly stroke his hair easing his body's transition out of unconsciousness. Maa rests a cup of water to his lips, which he readily drinks.

Choking lightly, he heaves on air "easy...easy," helping him sit up I rub my palm down his taut back. Clearing his throat, he grips his knees, squeezing his eyes shut. "You're okay," I whisper pressing my lips to his temple.

Pressing my head against the window's cold glass, I pinch the bridge of my nose easing through the tightness in my shoulders. Gnawing on my dry lips, I choke from the parchedness in my throat. I haven't tears left to cry or anger to rage. I'm clinging so tightly to this last shred of hope that despite every roadblock, my faith just grows stronger, and my mind and purpose become that much clearer.

"So, are you going to tell me what that was about?" maa strokes her tender hand down my hair, resting her cheek against my shoulder.

"I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore," rubbing my hands down my face, I cage maa's hands between my palms, deliberating for a moment. "Sidharth was diagnosed with a rare blood disease over a year ago. He doesn't have much longer to live," silently, she stares at me numb of any emotion.

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