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izzyferguson i did it again #redlipstick #noshame

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izzyferguson i did it again #redlipstick #noshame

32, 300 likes

anthony_ramos_nyc: *sighs* my daughter has grown up

izzyferguson: ye you're right, it's been a month since you took me in. but im never calling you daddy bc you're 10 years older than me

username: wipe all that makeup off

username1: yeah honey you're sooooooo much prettier without it on

izzyfergsuon: i have a choice of whether or not to wear makeup. i choose to wear it. my decision is not going to be influenced by you 👌@username @username1

username2: honey, you're fourteen. you shouldn't be wearing makeup

username3: when i was fourteen i wore baggy sweatshirts and ugly khakis, and i didn't give a fuck about my face

daveeddiggs: leave her alone. she's just a kid @username3

therealgroffsauce: you look beautiful with or without makeup 😘

oaksmash: QUEEN

phillipasoo: #noshame SLAY

izzyferguson: thanks babes 😊 @therealgroffsauce @oaksmash @phillipasoo

bettcm: #futureeliza 💖

izzyferguson: 😃 @bettcm

username4: you look ugly without makeup, but makeup just makes you look fake AF 🙃

lin_manuel: Hey, leave Izzy alone. At least she's not as fake as YOU @username4

cjack930: 😘

jazzy_joness: future maria reynolds 😉😜

anthony_ramos_nyc: ignore all the hate comments, izzy. they want nothing but attention for themselves 🙃

izzyferguson: AHHHHH I REALLY HOPE SO. I LOVE MARIA @jazzy_joness

izzyferguson: i blocked all of them @anthony_ramos_nyc

izzyferguson: 😘 @cjack930

username5: What a bitch. Your skin is so fucking pale and ugly and you use makeup to cover it up which makes you even MORE ugly and fake. Your all stuck up and shit bc you got "adopted" by the Hamilton cast but do they give a shit about you? No! It's all for money and publicity and so they can look like good people. Once all the hype dies down you'll be kicked back onto the street corner where you started.

username6: I agree. You're such a whiny little asshole who was sitting on the curb in front of the theater begging to be taken into a good home. You're so fucking ugly too. What the fuck? You're fourteen years old. Grow up.

mrroryomalley: Why don't you actually grow up and shut your fucking mouths. You don't know the REAL story of how Izzy was adopted. It actually, believe it or not, has absolutely NOTHING to do with Hamilton, or publicity, or money. Before your little ten year old faces hiding behind a computer screen go around and comment bullshit on other people's posts to make them feel bad, do the research. @username5 @username6

[ IZZYFERGUSON has disabled her account ]




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