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Oliver makes his way up to Darwin taking the stairs knowing that Zosia would do the same. He wanted to catch her before they started there shifts.

He saw her sitting on the top step of the stairs and sat beside her.

"I'm sorry Ollie, I should have known you would never say that about me." Zosia says. It's evident that she has been crying from the black streams of mascara down her face and red eyes.

"It's fine, what else were you supposed to think." Oliver replies.

"Well thanks for sticking up for me." Zosia says leaning her head on Ollie.

"Anytime. Why are you crying though? Is it what Jasmine said? " Oliver questions although he already knows the answer.

"Yeah, I guess I just can't help thinking she's right." Zosia confesses.

"Well she's not, for starters your one of the smartest people I know. Your intelligent and beautiful. You clearly have a lot of friends because Dom threatened to kill me and no one on Darwin would talk or look at me. Your not mental or a psychopath, you're bonkers but let me tell you all the best people are." Oliver tells her.

"Did you just quote Alice and wonderland." Zosia smiles.

"Maybe." Oliver laughs.

"Well thanks and I'll tell Dom not to kill you." Zosia replies smiling at him.

"Come on we better get back to work." Oliver says standing up and they both go up to Darwin.

Zosia goes back onto the ward after re-doing her makeup and Oliver goes into the locker room to get changed.

To Jasmine: Games Over, Zosia knows the truth and so will everyone else soon.

Oliver sent the text and then went over to the computer at the nurses station. He logged onto the computer as Jasmine who hadn't changed her default password. He opened up her emails and drafted a new Email.

He drafted out an email which showed she was lying and attached both the original and edited clip but made it out to be sent to a friend but she had accidentally added everyone. He pressed send and then logged of the computer, Getting on with his shift.

The night shift was pretty slow and it was mainly just Oliver and a few nurses after Zosia had finished her shift. It was eerily silent, just the noise of the elderly patients snoring.

That was until the next morning, Jac was already in and sat in her office when a very drunk Jasmine turned up for her shift.

"Ollie, I love you." Jasmine declares shouting across the ward.

"Give it up Jasmine everyone knows what you did, that we're not a couple." Oliver tells her as Jac comes out of her office.

"But Ollie I'm pregnant." Jasmine shouts back drunkly.

"Go home Doctor Burrows and we will talk about this tomorrow." Jac tells her.

"Don't worry I'm not actually pregnant but We can't tell Ollie." Jasmine says in what she thinks is a whisper but is actually very loud.

"Right lets get you home." One of the nurses says leading Jasmine over to the lift.

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