You're different

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It is a couple of hours later and Zosia has been sectioned down on the pysch ward.

Oliver, Dom and Guy are all in the waiting room when a nurse comes over.

"Your here to see Dr March right?" The nurse questions looking at the three of them.

"Yeah" Guy quickly replies.

"Well she is stable enough to have visitors but it has to be one at a time" She says looking between the three of them.

"Ollie should go first, I mean he's the one that brought her here" Dom chipped in. with an annoyed glance from Guy, Oliver followed the nurse down the corridor.

"So how do you know Zosia?" The nurse asks as they walk down the hall.

"were ... erm ..... collegues" He replies unsure of what to say as they reach Zosia's room.

He exited about half an hour later and joined Guy and Dom in the waiting room.

"She wants to see you Dom" Oliver says giving an apologetic smile to Guy.

Dom follows in the direction that Oliver had just come from, leaving Guy and Oliver in an awkward silence.

"I'm sorry for what I said back in the ED" Oliver apologises braking the silence.

"It's fine, your point was valid" Guy responds.

"But your her father and I should have respected that you have a job to do, just like the rest of us" Oliver tells him.

"Yeah well I probably shouldn't have told you to leave. She's my little girl though and I didn't want to see you hurt her." Guy replies.

"She needs to know that, when you go in there please tell her you love her" Oliver tells him.

"You don't think she knows that?" Guy questions a little angry.

"Deep down, yes. But up on the roof she told me no one cared, that she wasn't important" Oliver revealed.

"But she is important, people care" Was all Guy could say.

"she doesn't feel it though, we weren't there when she need us the most" Oliver told him.

"You care about her a lot don't you?" Guy then asked.

"Yeah but I messed up a lot. You don't like me, I get that" Oliver replies.

"You have messed up a lot but it's not that, Zosia's vulnerable she gets her heartbroken easily and no ones ever stuck by her, but I think today proves that you're different" Guy admits.

Dom soon returns and it's Guy's turn to go in.

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