Worlds Apart~ Chapter 16

Start from the beginning

“Coffee with cream.” I answered, finally getting a grip.

“That’s a little strong for me,” she said, making a face. “Do you have another recommendation?”

I pondered the thought for a moment and studied her face.

She seemed sweet and caring, always thinking about something. Her sundress had pretty flowers on it and she wore her honey blonde hair in a low, messy bun with a pink ribbon wrapped around her head to match the flowers in her dress.

“Chocolate frap. It’s delicious. I usually order it when I’m sick of coffee with cream.”

“Well, I’ll try that, then.”

I ordered and took my seat, thinking about how well that went. Before I knew it, she was sitting across from me with her chocolate frappichino in her hands.

We talked for hours and hours that day, and I finally asked for her number. I called her a few days later and asked her out, which she said yes to.

Our relationship was wonderful. Everything both she and I could have asked for. My parents adored her and her parents loved me. After three years, I was finally ready to commit to her for the rest of my life.

A few days after I’d bought her ring, I was at work when I’d realized I’d forgotten my lunch. I decided to go home and eat lunch there. We were living together in an apartment, so she was home.

I walked in the door quietly so I could surprise her. It wasn’t too quiet in the house though. I heard many…noises. I walked quietly, inching closer and closer to our bedroom. The noises were indeed coming from the bedroom. I opened the door.

There she was. With another man. A man I knew, for that matter. My cousin, Eric, was what most women would consider handsome and charming. Apparently, so did Meredith.

All I could manage to get out was, “How could you?”

I turned around and walked out the door. Screw lunch, I thought. I wasn’t exactly hungry anymore.


Since then, I hadn’t spoken to either Eric or Meredith. I couldn’t bare re-living the image I’d walked in on that one fateful day.

I’d spent four months mourning over the death of our love. I was working as a free-lance writer with a teaching degree to back me up. I’d decided that degree wasn’t going to waste after all.

I’d decided that the next year, I’d move to the United States and teach what I usually wrote about: history.

And now, here I am, thinking about the reason I left home for maybe the third time since I’ve been here. I quickly shook the thought of her and continued pondering anniversary ideas for me and Abby.


Abby’s POV

I walked to Mark’s the night of our anniversary with a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if he tried to go too far? I know it was only a month, but he is a grown man! Isn’t sex what drives them to live? What was I supposed to say if he starts taking things too far?

My thoughts were interrupted by the dinging of the newly renovated elevator. The doors opened to reveal the ugly wallpaper that covered the walls of Mark’s floor. I stepped out of the elevator and dragged my feet towards his apartment.

When I knocked on the door, I didn’t have to wait long for him to open the door. He whisked me inside and closed the door.

He kissed me tenderly and said, “Turn around.”

Worlds Apart (Student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now