01:Is It Too Late To Back Out?

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"LINDSEY" Maisey squeals "WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" She squeals happily, jumping up and down on the floorboards next to my bed. Maisey is only five, so her excitement levels are always sky high, which is unfortunate for this time in the morning.

"What!?" I protest, wrapping the covers tighter around my body.

"Your audition is today, remember?" She says in the moody way that young children do when they don't get their own way.

I blink my eyes open and look over at Maisey, who is now smiling again from seeing me in this early morning state "Is it really?" I ask Maisey as a joke, knowing that she will take it seriously.

"It is!" She squeals again.

Today's the day that I have my audition, the audition to change my life. The audition is for a new show called Sing Off, apparently it is exactly like the X Factor, but with notable differences.

"Maisey, do you know what time it is?" I ask, still wrapped in bed staring at my younger sibling.

"Well, I think Mummy said that it's three in morning" Maisey answers her smile still big.

"Ok, thanks sweetie" I smile I then slowly lift my self up into a sitting position and then I throw my legs to the side and place my feet onto the floor, the bitter air making me shiver.

I have never been a morning person, I don't tend to go moody, but I like being in bed, where it's warm. If I set my alarm I will always let it play until I definitely have to get up.

I throw open the doors to the wardrobe and look for something to wear, as I never thought to pick something out beforehand, which would have been the sensible thing to do. Seriously, when did I have last have a clear out? I don't think there's anything in here that I would want to be seen on TV in.

"Alice" I shout, trying to get her to come into my room. Alice is 18 and completely different to me, you can't even tell that we're related. She has mid length ginger hair and icy pale skin.

"What's up Linds?" She asks, as she enters my room, in her dressing gown and hair in a messy bun.

"Could you be a good sister and help me pick something to wear?" I ask cheekily giving my best 'please' smile.

She sighs and walks over to the wardrobe. Alice is never in a good mood not anymore anyway. "You have quite a lot of clothes" She says flicking through the coat hangers, but carefully examining the clothes first "This" She smiles handing me three separate coat hangers "It won't make you look to young as you're really small and if you wear the wrong thing, you'll look like a thirteen year old" She says, being serious as it's the truth, I am really small, just under 5 foot anyway.


"LINDSEY, WHERE ARE YOU?" My mum shouts, standing at the bottom of the stairs with the rest of my family who will be travelling with me to the audition.

"I'm here" I reply, dashing around my room to get the last bits that I need. I run down the stairs and smile at my mum when I come face to face with her.

"You look amazing, just remember, even if you don't make it, we will all still love you the same-"

"I won't" My elder brother jokes, cutting in.

"Dan" My mum scolds "Just do your best" She smiles at me, she then wraps her arms around me for a hug

It almost sounds like her confidence in me has gone, she was the one who convinced me to audition in the first place, so why is she so unsure now. I've given up quite a bit for this audition, so why is she losing faith?

I give a confused look as she pulls away, but she brushes it off with a fake smile.

So to add to my nerves, I now have my mum losing faith... great.


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