16: The Battle Wages On

Start from the beginning

"Who's the one you say you love?"Ulquiorra asks me suddenly. I smile. 

"His name is Toshiro Hitsugaya. And he's one of the Soul Reapers facing off against Aizen soon,"I say quietly. 

"Then he will surely die before you get a chance to express...these feelings of yours,"Ulquiorra interrupts my thoughts. I frown. 

"What?"I ask confused. He stands and walks to the window with his hands in his pockets.

"I don't understand why you humans have the gull to make up scenarios, or claim you....love something. The word love has no meaning for me. I have no understanding of...feelings or emotions,"Ulquiorra says robotic like. He stares out the window. 

"W...what do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I said. I have no understanding for human emotions. Nor do I have an understanding for why you do not realize that this...Toshiro Hitsugaya will die soon and quickly without you ever expressing any feelings or emotions towards him in the way you so desire,"Ulquiorra replies. He turns and looks at me. 

"This would be the  human emotion called hope. With strong hope I know that he wont die. With strong hope I know I wont die here, and I know I will be able to see Toshiro again, because although he is my squad Captain, he is someone I consider very dear to me,"I say smiling. Ulquiorra frowns and walks to the door as it opens revealing Grimmjow standing there.

"What the hell, Emo? The hell you in my room for. And why were you talking to the girl?"Grimmjow asks narrowing his eyes at Ulquiorra. He glances at me as if to make sure I'm unharmed. Ulquiorra glances back at me. 

"Would you like me to ask Lord Aizen to have mercy on this Toshiro Hitsugaya you spoke of?"Ulquiorra asks. I scoff. 

"Mercy will not be needed as I know that he will not lose,"I growl. Ulquiorra turns and leaves, shutting the door. 

"What was that about?"Grimmjow asks me. 

"It is nothing of your concern. I wouldn't pry, please,"I reply to him. I glance out the window. Toshiro....I miss you....

Toshiro's POV

I picked up Grace's phone from my desk. She normally never went anywhere without it. I sat in my chair and held the phone in my hand. The air had a certain sadness in it and I wanted to cry. This was one of the first times since Momo had been harmed that I felt sadness. But I almost sort of understood it, since it was for Grace. Her phone screen suddenly lit up with a notification and I stared at it. It was a message from Gabriel, the angel boy Grace rejected. 

I unlocked the phone screen and read the message. 

To whoever the hell that white haired kid was

Look. I know Grace is gone. If you don't get her back from the Realm of Tortured Souls (Hueco Mundo to you Soul Freaks) then I will come there and personally kick your ass for losing my best friend and the girl i've loved since I was a kid. You know how much she meant to me, and having her reject me was the most painful thing I've ever felt. But since I have a partner now and someone I am meant to dedicate my life as an angel to, then I am trusting you to find her and get her back for me. If you can't personally go, then you'd better send that orange haired kid after her or something, do you understand me Soul Reaper boy!?


PS: I suggest you delete this message or Grace will be mad at both of us. 

I stare at the screen. And feel a tear suddenly fall from my eyes. I brush it off and look at it on my hand. 

Life As An Angel Reaper {A Bleach Fanfiction }[COMPLETED](editing)Where stories live. Discover now