30.) Mark & Jinyoung (requested)

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She laughed and blushed as she thought.

"I only want to like and adore him for now." She had her hands onto her cheeks. I laughed.

"Just tell me who, I swear I wont say anything to him unless you want me to." She gave a tease glare at me.

"Just dont make him fall for you,..." She got concerned. I laughed again.

"Of course I wont. But just for you, I'll make sure he wont and goes to you." She smiled and took a big breath.

"Lee Chan (YASSS DINO FROM SEVENTEEN~)' She suddenly had her hand onto her chest, holding her heart.

"Aigoo, young love." I laughed at the second year girl.

Then looked back at the guys. Jr still on his phone and Mark just staring out the window.

Whats with them today?


"Ara unnie. Baii see you tomorrow." Haruka waved goodbye to me through her window.

"Mm Baiii Haruka and baii aunty." I said goodbye to her and her mom once they drove off.

I began walking towards the cafe. Thing is, I work there part-time.

"Oh hey Sara!!~" once again I heard two combined voice but both of them walked to me from a different direction.

Weird..they usually are together. They smiled as they got to me but once they saw each other, their smiles disappeared. It was an awkward walk.

Did something happen between them?

"So you guys are heading to the cafe too?" I asked out the blue.

"Yeah." they both replied with the same answer. Then it became silent again.

I suddenly felt awkward with them. How so? We three knew each other since middle school. We just kept walking with the cafe being on the street we were are on.

Might as well ask if anything did happen..

"Did anyth--"

"SARA!!!~" my boss from the cafe pops out from the cafe as she waved at me. I waved back and rushed to her.

"Yes, boss?" I politely bowed to her.

"Ah you came at a great time. You dont mind covering the cafe yourself right? I promised my daughter I'd see her at her after school play." I beamed a smile and nod.

"Of course I can. Tell her I said hi?" I shyly joked. My boss laughed and hugged me.

"Ahh thank you so much Sara. I'll probably give you a 2x of your payment for this." I laughed.

"No need. If its anything about keeping trust and love. It'll be something I'd help the world with...I think." I mumbled the last part.

"Aha I should get going. Once again thank you!" She got in her car and drove away as I waved until she disappeared.

"Cha.. I should get working." Saying that to myself, cause I totally forgot the guys were with me and I walked inside the cafe with them, of course still following me.

Noticing once I walked inside, customers already served to their seats and orders, already done.

I let out a little laugh, aigoo boss unnie working her hardest. I went behind the counters, putting my stuff down and tie my hair up while afterwards having my apron on.

"Oh are you guys gonna order?" I looked at Mark and Jr, who were pretty distant from each other.

They both looked at me and apparently both stepped up to me, at the same time. They sighed in annooyance of each other. I tilt my head at them.

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