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Dante's Pov

I texted Nicole about the "surprise" I had waiting for her. Then I heard a knock at the door. It was Nicole. Dmitri are you ready to meet your mom? Yes I hope she loves me. Don't say that of course she will. Okay. Just wait here and I'll bring her to you ok. Okay papa. It warmed my heart when he said that now I'm kind of excited to take care of him with Nicole! Hey are you ready for your surprise:-)? Yes what is it?wait and see. I took her to the door. I hope you like this surprise as much as this surprise likes you. Umm olay. I opened the door and Dmitri said, H-hello my name is Dmitri you are my new mommy. OMI! What's wrong do you not like me? No of course I do I love you it's just I'm surprised where did you come from?*Dmitri tells her everything* oh I see now but don't worry I'll love you like a real mother would. Thank you momma:').(while making this chapter I started to tear up). Umm Dante can I talk to you in private. Sure. She took me to the living room. Umm where is he going to live with since we're both his parents. Honestly I was thinking of moving in together that way we won't have to switch every week. True you and Dmitri should move in with me at my place since I live by myself. Are you sure? I'm positive I have to extra rooms foe you and Dmitri. Thanks again. Nicole I'm sure Dmitri will love it. Yeah I'm sure he will. We should start tomorrow morning since its getting late.True bye Dante see you tomorrow. Bye. *it's morning* I wake up and start moving my stuff to Nicole's place and ordered some furniture for Dmitri. We were all done unpacking making Dmitri's room. Thank you daddy! Thank you mommy! You're welcome son.

Laurence's Pov

Since me or Dante didn't get anything for our girlfriends. Well Dante got something I didn't. So I went to Game Stop and Trendy, but the prices for a eevee plush and for a wii game. The eevee plush was 70 diamonds or 7 diamond blocks, and for 1 wii game was 90 diamonds or 9 diamond blocks. It was crazy they were less expensive yesterday but managers said it was because they were losing their business. Oh come on I have 40 diamonds can't you at least lower a bit! I'm sorry boy but I need money. You greedy b*****(something I would say). I left the store and he even made the price go way too high 63 diamond blocks. That guy doesn't have a heart does he, I say to myself as looking at the plush. Well I can help with your money dilemma~nya~. Really*as he turns around he gasps* Oh no!

Cliffhanger hehe I'm evil! Who is the person who is offering the money? Will Laurence accept the offer but at what cost? Find out

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