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Nicole's Pov

Hmm what should I do today maybe I should ask Aphmau if I could hang out with her today. Huh a text from MarMar.



Hey Nicole don't be mad at me but you're going on a double date with me,Dante, and Laurence.

Oh and who is my date?

Dante duh who else you guys are dating


Duh it's pretty obvious. You guys are acting all cutesy with each other so yeah I know and I think you guys are cute together.<3

Oh is that why you wanted to ask Katelyn to meet you tomorrow?

Yes it is so the date starts at 2:30 ok

Ok see you soon but does Dante know about this

Yeah Laurence told him

Ok bye

Ok I guess I'm going on a double date with Dante,MarMar,and Laurence. Not that I don't mind it's just that this would be our first date. Well at least I'm not alone, but I think Marlyn is also nervous about the date because she kept texting me things like "what should I wear", "do you know what happens at a date", and of course I kept saying the same response over and over. I DON'T KNOW! It was getting late so I decided to get ready. I wore a red long sleeve shirt with blue jeans and black slip-ons, I even curled my hair. It was 2:25 so I decided to go to Dante's house since that's where we're meeting up. H-hey Nicole. Hey Dante so are we ready? not quite Laurence forgot to make a reservation at home town buffet(I know you don't need to make a reservation but just deal with it). Huh so we have to wait. Yep, but let's go to my room. O-ok. We went to his room for a bit but then he asked me. When is Marlyn going to convince Katelyn that we can be together? I honestly don't know but it's been forever(1 day) I think I'm going to ask her right now. Ok because I miss kissing you. I start to blush bright red. We can do it right now I mean no one is looking. Ok. We kissed for a bit until we heard a knock. Are you guys ready? Yup. We went to home town buffet for a long time stuffing our faces especially MarMar cause she kept getting thirds for everything especially for the bread it's like she HAS AN IRON STOMACH. We went home and I saw Laurence FLIRTING WITH MarMar. OMI the ship is going to sail.

Laurence's Pov

That was quite a date. Yeah I loved it. Yeah cause you kept eating like a goat with an iron stomach. Hey I can't help myself I love food. Haha I can tell oh by the way did you think about the question. Which- wait you mean the one about me being your girlfriend? Yeah so do you. Yes I will. OMI YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT TO HAPPEN. I took her to her house since it was next to Nicole's place. While Dante dropped Nicole off. So how was your girlfriend? She's beautiful. Yeah so is mine. We went home having idiot smiles on our faces. OTPS ARE SAILED! Well some of them:(

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