The Sleep Over

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Nicole's Pov

I should go to the girls house to,see if they need any help unpacking. Huh a text from Aphmau hmm I wonder what it is.



Hey Nicole, me and Cadenza are throwing a welcome slumber party for the new girls that moved in. Do you want to come.

Yeah sure sounds good I'll be there

Great it'll be at 7:30

Sure see you soon


A party eh it sounds fun I think I should go. It was 6:55 so I decided to get ready. I wore red shirt with two stripes in each shoulder and black tights.(actually what I wear to sleep). It was 7:25 so I headed to Aphmau's house, and there seem to be music going on inside. Hey Nicole come in we're about to start a game of truth or dare. Ok, thanks for the heads up. Great I came at a good time=/. I saw everyone here Crystal,Brianna,Michelle,MarMar,Kawaii~Chan,Katelyn,Cadenza,Lucinda, and Aphmau. Alright ladies time for a game of truth or dare. Ooo Can Kawaii~Chan go first. Sure. Yay *ahem* Mar~Sama. Mar~Sama? Crystal,Brianna and Michelle started snickering. Shut up you three! Oh is it not ok for Kawaii~Chan to call you that. What n-no it's fine I just not used to it but don't worry I will. Thank you MarMar~senpai. I actually like that name. Really oh well Kawaii~Chan will call you both of them. Ok so ask me now. Oh Kawaii~Chan forgot MarMar~Sama truth or dare? Hmmm I did got some bad dares in the past... so truth. Hehehe, is it true that MarMar~Senpai like any guys from Mystreet. W-what umm well *she starts to blush* Mar hello earth to Mar. Huh ok fine I like someone but promise to not tell anyone or him okay? We promise so is this hunk of a guy you like, says Lucinda. It's Laurence*she starts blushing even more* WHAT OMI IS THIS TRUE. Why do any of you like him, she asks concerningly(made that word up). No we like as a friend not in that way. OMI A NEW SHIP HAS ARRIVED, said Aphmau,Cadenza, and Kawaii~Chan. Ummm what? I Know we should call them LaurMar. WHAT OMI WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING. KAWAII~CHAN IS CALLING THE ARTISTS FOR A NEW SHIPPING SHRINE. WHAT ...What on earth is a shipping shrine?! A shipping shrine is one of Kawaii~Chan's dumb things where she puts to people together as a pair. What so wait you're SHIPPING ME WITH LAURENCE?! You should be happy bout that. Ok enough of this can we just move on>=(. Ok *they begin to whisper*we'll finish this conversation later with a bunch of fanart :-). Nicole truth or dare? Truth. Is true that you like Dante? *Everyone starts to gasp*. Yes it is, but Katelyn doesn't want them to be together for some reason. I don't approve with being together after what I saw last time. Ooo what was it. Nicole and Dante were MAKING OUT BEHIND MY BACK! *the girls gasp*. Nicole~Sama is this true? No Katelyn got it the wrong I fell on top of him ON ACCIDENT. Girls quick someone is breaking inside the house, who is going to protect us. Nicole and Katelyn should do it they're strong. Wait hold on you're forgetting someone, says MarMar. Who no one here is that strong as them. Well I know that you but I AM strong. Really you look like a flower. Watch your mouth sista, I ain't fooling around. Alright fine go with we'll see how strong you really are. Trust me she is...she made our former friend bleed.

MarMar's Pov

Lucinda kept taunting me on my strength so I went to where Aphmau said where the burglar was. So I got my fists ready and punched the burglar with all my might and I think I made him faint. OMI YOU ARE STRONG, said Lucinda. Pfft I'll let slide...for now. Aww don't tell me Katelyn is jealous because someone is stronger than her. Shut up I didn't ask for your opinion. Wait is it me or does this guy look familiar,asks Aphmau. Wait this is Garroth?! Wait GARROTH WHAT HAPPENED. I might of knocked him out but he'll be fine. OMI YOU ARE a tough cookie... tougher than I thought,says someone behind me. Well Lucinda I gah l-laurence what are you doing here? I thought if you ladies needed someone to guard them but I see you can take care of yourself. Yeah... Guys aren't supposed to be here is a girls ONLY sleep Over Kawaii~Chan just wanted to be girls only. Kawaii~Chan I think they all deserve a chance I mean it won't hurt to give chances. Hmph fine I guess Kawaii~Chan can give you boys a chance. But DO NOT LOOK AT US OKAY DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR ESPECIALLY YOU DANTE! What oh come on what about Travis. What you thought I was going to be the one who would do nah I would rather see something else *he looks at Katelyn's butt* TRAVIS!!*He gets punched once again*. Alright ladies and gentlemen let's play a game of TRUTH OR DARE MWAHAHAHA AND EVERYONE MUST PLAY AND DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO CLEAR. Yes. Laurence truth or dare. I ain't no chicken dare me. Alright *she smirks evily* I...DARE...YOU.. TO...KISS...MARMAR BUT NOT ON THE CHEEK. IT HAS TO BE A FULL ONE! What I thought we were avoiding these kind of dares. Nope gotta do it. I can't believe Aphmau would use what I told her my feelings of Laurence she would make me do these kind of things when I don't even know him that well!? He begins to come closer to my face and all of a sudden his lips were touching mine. I was blushing bright red it was even funny. I-Im sorry. It's...fine. AHHH MY SHIP HAS SAILED LAURMAR IS NOW OFFICIAL. W-WHAT WHO SAID WE WERE EVEN DATING. IT DOESN'T MATTER MARMAR~SAMA IS NOW DATING LAURENCE~KUN. OH greaat now I'm dating someone that I barely knew...but he is cute..and nice. Can we go outside for a bit. Oooo are they going to kiss and make out without us knowing. I WILL KNOCK ANYONE IN A COMA IF ANY OF YOU FOLLOW. US..... MEEP! Well this is awkward. Yeah it really is.. But I want to ask you though. Yeah Laurence. I love you I know we barely met but you seem like someone who ain't no show-off I hate those kind of girls plus some girls even dated me because of my looks. Really but I hate those type of guys too because someone eh nevermind go on. Well would you want to be my boyfriend? I start blushing even brighter than I was before.

Meanwhile with everyone

(This is Nicole's Pov)

Nicole truth or dare? Dare! Okay since we're all okay doing kissing dares I dare you to kiss Dante! W-what. NICOLE YOU BETTER NOT DO IT! * Katelyn was about to attack Dante, until Crystal, Michelle, and Brianna stopped her*. Katelyn calm down before we make you calm down! If you aren't letting her do the dare, I'll help her do it, said a voice from outside. It was MarMar! She pushed Nicole on top of Dante and they both kissed. WHAT MARMAR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU-. Before you kill me I want talk to you meet me at the maid cafe. What can't it be somewhere else. Yeah can't like uhhh Olive Garden. Hmmm I guess Olive Garden ain't a bad idea. Can we all go, said everyone. Sure but I want to talk to Katelyn so if you guys don't mind giving us some alone time for a bit. Sure. Great we'll all go in two days at 11:30. Ok. Can we all go to sleep now, said Brianna. Sure goodnight. Everyone went to sleep.

What do YOU think is going to happen? Will MarMar accept Laurence's request? What will MarMar say to Katelyn? Find out.

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