Meeting Laurence

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MarMar's Pov

It was the first day of a new start I finally have a home with my best friends. I should walk around to meet new people since the girls are sleeping. *She starts walking by the guys house* hmm I should introduce myself to whoever lives here. I knock on the door and wait until this light brown haired guy opened the door. Hey I haven't seen you around before did you move to the neighborhood. Yup I moved in with my friends, I live in the house next to Nicole's place. Really well what is your name? OMI did he just ask my what is my name should I tell him he looks like a nice guy. He is so cute though OMI did I just say that. Umm are just going to stand there. Oh umm right my name is Marlyn but call me MarMar. Marlyn is a beautiful name I don't see why you would want a nickname. Well people would tend to say my name wrong ALOT, and don't tell anyone about my name please. Oh well if you want it that way I'm fine with calling you MarMar and My name is Laurence. Nice to meet you if you want to hang out sometime you can come to my house. Likewise. Well I should get going bye. Later. I went to almost all of the houses, so I decided to go back home.

Dante's Pov

I heard a knock on the door but Laurence got it. Hey Laurence who was it. It was a new girl who moved in with her friends. Are you blushing. W-what no I'm not blushing I-I just. Mmhmm sure I believe you. Well I'm going to my room and think about mar I mean the morning hehehe. Alright if you say so.

Laurence's Pov

Whew at least Dante didn't find out that I like MarMar. She is pretty cool to hang out with. Should I tell Garroth I mean he will find out eventually. Hey Garroth can I trust you with something. Sure I don't see why not. Well this new girl moved in with her friends and I would want to get to know her more since I barely met her. Hmm maybe feathers cause remember Kenmur got to kiss Emmalyn at the new years party. Garroth not again with the feathers I told you a million times that feathers are useless * he gasps* how dare you insult feathers. Well you aren't helping me with my crush problems. *someone came and broke the door* DID SOMEONE SAY THEY HAD A CRUSH! WHO EVER IT IS GURL YOU BETTER TELL ME RIGHT NOW! Cadenza,Aphmau what are you girls doing here. Well Laurence I just wanted to catch up to see how you're doing and well you know the rest, said Cadenza. And I was watching Fairy Tale with Dante until I heard the word CRUSH...So who is it. Uhh it's that new girl MarMar. Oh you mean "that_girl_marmar"(my instagram if you want to follow me;). Yeah she's that kind of girl who will be feisty when it comes to people getting under your skin. Hmmm I have an idea what if we have a sleepover and girls will have their own slumber party and the guys will have their own. Good idea I'll make sure the truth will be told mwaahahhahahaha. Uhh ok but I don't think it's a good idea to use her like that. It's not using her it's just seeing if she likes you. Ughhh fine but if she finds out I will never talk to the three of you. She'll never know.

If you guys have instagram and you want to add me here is my username that_girl_marmar. See you ~Caio~

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