Cool Beans

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We were still round the breakfast table. Nobody was really eating, we were all just waiting for Mike to call us to leave. Tyler was still upstairs cleaning up his jumper. Ha! Good luck!

My phone buzzed really loudly from its place on the dining table in front of me
and everyone looked at me. I shook them off, not caring for their nosiness and looked down at the message, seeing that it was from Harley. I internally groaned.

H: I need an answer, can you help me or not?

"What is it?" Ryan asked from his place on the other side of the room. He always gets jealous when I text someone else, it's actually quite amusing.

"Don't worry about it." I said as I put the phone back in my pocket. A few seconds passed before it buzzed again.

H: I know you read the message. Please just tell me

I quickly typed a reply.

M: Still don't know. I'll talk to you in form

H: Cool beans

What the hell? Cool beans? Really?

"Marie what is it?" Ryan asked, a bit more forcefully this time.

"It's just a friend don't worry about it" I repeated in a fed up tone. Geez why can't you just trust me Ryan?

He didn't look like he bought it but he turned back to his own phone anyway. Probably busy trying to beat my epic crossy road high score! Which by the way, is impossible to beat!

"Time to go!" Mike yelled from the hallway.

We all grabbed our bags from the floor beneath our seats and went outside to get into the minibus. I sat next to Ryan near the front, obviously.

"What was the message about?" He asked. I realised I'm not getting out of it so I might as well tell him the truth.

"Promise you won't get mad?"

"I promise"

"Or jealous?"

"Marie what is it?"

"It was Harley asking about the song thing again. He says its urgent and he needs to know if I'll help"

"And are you going to?"

"I don't know. I'de love to help but we aren't exactly friends or anything, and I would much rather spend time with you, but he said it's important"

"Why does he even need a song?"

"He never said. I said I'd chat with him in form about it"

"Oh. Alright then"


"You normally sit with me in form"

"You said you wouldn't get jealous" I whined.

"No, I said I wouldn't get mad. I never said anything about jealous"

He had me there. I tried to change the subject and prove that I'm not planning on getting with Harley, because that's clearly what he is dreading.

"How about" I suggested "we go somewhere after school"

"I can't. I have to read that book"

"Oh yeah" I sighed.

"But" he continued. "I promise as soon as this whole challenge thing is done, we will go somewhere special on a date, got it?"

"Got it. We can get the activities done over the weekend can't we?"

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