Depressingly Shocking

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We had been in the car for over three hours, maybe she lives even further away than she did before.

"How much longer until we get to your house?" I moaned from my place in the backseat.

"You mean our house?" She said.

"Well I don't exactly own the house do i?" I snapped.

"Not you!"

"Well then who?"

"Your uncle, we got back together. Did Mike not tell you?"

"What! No he didn't!"

"Well he is the one that got me out of jail and convinced me to get you back"

I'm shocked. My uncle, the uncle who killed my parents, the uncle who attacked me on the streets, is now living with my aunt, who I'm going to live with.

I can't escape either. I can't even call Mike, I have no phone.

"We're here" she said, pulling up at some flats.

I got out and grabbed my suitcase and dragged it into the block of flats, and eventually, number 6b.

I walked into the dull flat. There was a kitchen lounge combination, then a few rooms surrounding that.

"This is your room, the bathroom is there and mine and your uncles room is over here but your not allowed in there anyway" she said, pointing at various doors.

I walked over to my bedroom. It was extremely bare. A bed, a wardrobe, a window. It's even worse than it was before I went into care.

"Can I decorate it?" I asked. My old one was decorated.

"No you can't. Now go and unpack before your uncle comes home"

I did as I was told. I put my clothes in the wardrobe and left everything else in the suitcase, which I slid under the bed.

I don't know what they would do if they saw my diary or my photo but it wouldn't be good.

I then went back into the small lounge area where my aunt sat. Before I had the chance to say, or do anything, the front door opened and my uncle stood there.

"Hello sweetie" exclaimed my aunt as she kissed him on the cheek. Eww.

"Now Marie, there is some food in the fridge, we will be back Monday evening"

"Wait what?"

"We're going on holiday squirt!" My uncle snapped. Auntie smiled at me and then grabbed two suitcases from their bedroom. Guess that's why I wasn't allowed in there then.

"You can't just leave me here!"

"Byeeeee" she door closed, and locked from the outside.

I don't know what to do now. I can't climb out the window as I will fall tens of foot to my death, I can't leave because I don't have a key, I can't call Mike because I don't have a phone and there isn't a landline.

I'm abandoned.

I decided to just check what was in the fridge for my dinner.

I got to the small kitchen and saw a pile of dirty dishes on the side of the sink and I'm certain they weren't all from today.

I got to the fridge and opened the door. There were a few plates of leftovers, the rest, we're just ready meals.


I slammed the fridge door in frustration and began to cry. This sucks. Why couldn't I have stayed home? Why does my uncle have to come here and ruin everything even more!

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