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The bell went and we all walked up to form. My tutor welcomed me back and I sat on the end of a desk, next to Ryan. We don't have assigned seats in form, as far as I know.

"You need to listen to Jody. She is only trying to help..." Whispered Ryan whilst Mrs Martin droned on about something.

"I don't need the help of Jody Jackson!" I snapped.

"Well then take it from me..."

"Ryan listen up!" Mrs Martin yelled! "I'm halfway through announcements!" Ryan straightened up in his seat and we both started listening to the announcements.

"So..." She continued. "As I was saying, the school is holding a reading competition that you will all be taking part in! We will provide you with a copy of the book, then you, along with your group within this form group, will have to be the first to finish reading it, and complete a set of activities that will then be judged by the headmistress, Miss Barmes."

"Wait wait..." I started. "So we get into a group, of the people in this form, read a book, then finish a bunch of activities on the book?"

"Yes Marie. You will be in groups in three which I will let you sort out now!"

As soon as she finished her sentence, a mad scramble of students trying to get into groups turned the class into chaos! I looked at Ryan and we made a pair. Then Harley came over, but once he realised I was with Ryan, he backed down. I don't think anybody here knows we are together. Hmm.

We ended up joining Jody who doesn't have that many friends as far as I can think this is good, we can all read the book together at home where we can also do all the activities and stuff. Jody went to officially sign us up, then Mrs Martin had us all sit in our groups for the final announcement.

"The group that completes each activity the best, wins a small prize and a point for the activity they did best. The team with the most points at the end, wins the big prize. I'll hand you you're activity folders, but you will have to finish reading the books first. Otherwise, your team will be out."

Then the bell went and we were sent away for first lesson. Maths. I love maths(!)

I haven't met my maths teacher yet, or the people in my maths class, but I know I'm in the bottom set. Maths is the one subject I need to try in, and pay attentions in. Every other subject, I'm doing fine in, it's literally just maths. On top of that, I've missed most of the first half term, so I'm already behind!

I had to ask for guidance to my maths room, I've never been there before and I had lots of trouble finding it.

I did however, make it there on time, which for me, is really quite unusual.

I walked in to see around 12 other children in this class. The lowest set is always the smallest, I'm not sure why. It really makes you feel like a failure though. 

Anyway, I took my seat on my own at a desk behind everyone else in the corner. This classroom is really small but all the other seats were taken. I'm the only one sat alone as well. This is so depressing.

The teacher, who I now know as Mr Bawing, was droning on about long division which I don't understand at all. No matter how many times he goes over it, I still don't understand. I just can't seem to get to grips with it!

"Any questions?" I put my hand up but he didn't even pause. "Ok that's great so get on with the worksheet, we will mark in in 20 minutes, that's 2 minutes per question"

"Um...sir..." I said with my hand up.

"Just get on with the work!" He snapped before sitting down at his desk and turning his phone on. Everybody else just turned to the worksheet on their desk and started working in their books.

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