Pokemon School #2 ~ Preparing For The Move!

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The bedroom lit up as the Pokeball Ash was holding in his right hand released a pig like Pokemon ready who was ready for action as it began showing off its muscular poses.

Ash: Pignite, could you possibly help my mum moved some furniture into a truck?

Still adapting to his new surroundings, Pignite quickly nodded in agreement resulting in Delia feeling ecstatic with the help from Ash's Unova Pokemon.

Leaving his mother and Pignite with the task of relocating the furniture, Ash found Pikachu, then set off for the Professor's lab. Upon arrival the Kantonian immediately headed towards the field knowing all his other Pokemon would be roaming around.

Upon setting foot onto the lab's field, Ash and Pikachu were instantly greeted by Professor Oak and Bulbasaur who mildly scared Ash as they appeared in front of them without warning.

Ash: Oh! Professor.... And Bulbasaur too! Its been a long time since I've seen you.

Bulbasaur: Bulba!

Bulbasaur sure didn't waste anytime gifting Ash with one of its vines as a way of greeting his trainer.

Oak: I can already tell Bulbasaur has missed you dearly, but I presume you've come here to help me with your Pokemon?

Ash: That's right, but I woke up late, so I hope me being late hasn't effected anything.

Oak: Tracey was requested by Misty that he visited the Cerulean Gym immediately meaning we'll be without him for this job, but I'm sure we'll be just fine.

Ash: That's Right, now gathering my Pokemon in one place should be a piece of cake with Bulbasaur's seed calling system.

Bulbasaur: Bulba!

Following orders, Bulbasaur fired a small seed from its green bulb high into the sky above which eventually developed into a firework show with colours consisting of red, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Kanto - Red
Johto - Yellow
Hoenn - Green
Sinnoh -Blue
Unova - Purple

Ash: Having that colour code installed was a great idea Professor!

Oak: Bulbasaur was the creative Pokemon who came up with the idea in the first place after a small brawl occurred. Ever since that day Bulbasaur would use that seed calling system for many reasons.

Bulbasaur: Bulba!

Ash: That sounds like Bulbasaur to me, right Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash had to wait a lengthy amount of time for every Pokemon he owned to show up, but it was worth it seeing his companions lined up once again ranging from Charizard to Infernape still emitting their powerful appeals like how the Kantonian remembered.

Ash: All of you look amazing! I can easily see that every single one of you have been training during my absence, but today I have some news for you all!

Glad to see their trainer back, Ash's Pokemon roared using their signature cries, but gradually calmed down allowing Ash to explain the news he had in store for them all.

Ash: I returned from my eventful journey in Unova yesterday only to arrive home with sudden news that I'll be moving to another region called Kalos. There I'll be attending a school to learn more about Kalos itself before racing into the region not knowing any information on the new Pokemon. Luckily the new house I'll be moving into also provides us with a large garden containing a forest, lake and even a small mountain! This will enable me to bring all of you along with me!

Liking the idea of moving to a new location, all of Ash's Pokemon agreed with moving, so before returning every single Pokemon back to their Pokeballs, the Kantonian made it his man priority to spend some time with each of his companions before placing them in their Pokeballs.

After hours of playing and returning his Pokemon back to their Pokeballs, Ash was left with Pikachu, Charizard, Sceptile, Staraptor, Snorlax and Squirtle at his disposal.

Ash: These six Pokemon will stay with me for the mean time, but I'll be switching my party around as I progress further.

Oak: Sounds like a great idea young man! You haven't spent much time with your other Pokemon, so constantly switching out will keep the connection between you and your Pokemon stronger than ever!... Oh Ash! You better get going! Its eight p.m.

Ash: Eight p.m already?! I've been here for at least nine hours!

Oak: Time flies when you're catching up with old friends, but maybe you should head on home. Delia must be worried about you.

Ash: You're right... Pikachu! Lets head back!

Pikachu: Pika!

Scratching his cheek in guilt, Ash carefully attached five Pokeballs to his brown belt, then looked up at Professor Oak who was busy scouting the ghostly field that was once filled with many Pokemon.

Ash: It sure looks empty now... Well, you did an amazing job looking after them Professor and I can't thank you enough!

Oak: Oh it's nothing Ash, I found it very fun looking after such unique and interesting Pokemon. However, I bet your lively Pokemon are very eager to explore their new home.

Ash: I'm sure they'll like it eventually, but talking about home. I better head home.

Oak: Goodbye Ash! Stay safe!

While pushing a trolley filled with metal trays containing Pokeballs, Ash and Pikachu waved crazily goodbye as they descended deeper into Pallet Town. The pair finally made it back home placing the Pokeball filled trays into the truck before heading inside where they were greeted by a worried Delia.

Ash: Sorry for being away for so long mum! I got distracted playing with my Pokemon, but every Pokemon I owe has now been loaded onto the moving truck except Pignite's Pokeball. I want to give you Pignite and hits Pokeball as a gift.

Delia: Oh Ash... What an amazing gift this is and Pignite himself has been amazing efficiently moving the furniture into the truck. However, I haven't made anything fancy for dinner since I've only made ham sandwiches because all the cooking equipment has been packed and loaded into the truck.

Ash: Ham sandwiches will do just fine mum, thank you!

Delia: Still have your manners I see... Anyway. After you and Pikachu have finished eating, take a shower, then get some rest because we have a big day tomorrow!

End Of Chapter Two

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