Pokemon School #116 ~ Progression Through Emotions!

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Sorry for any mistakes, I hope you like the chapter and stay awesome!

It was Thursday afternoon and once again all lessons were cancelled due to every student watching the Sinnoh tournament in the assembly. Within the large room, the entire school erupted in roars as they just witnessed Ash and Mallow winning their quarter final battle resulting in a progression to the semi-finals.

This time it was only Lillie, Hau, Mairin, Shota and Trevor supporting Ash and Mallow during their battles since Lillie's outburst the other day.

Hau: Into the semi-finals they go!

Shota: They were incredible once again! Working together as a unit by producing amazing combo moves!

Trevor: To think they've made it to the semi-finals!

Mairin: That's a great achievement for your cousin and friend Hau.

Hau: Sure is! I can't wait until Ash comes home so I can congratulate him!

Mairin: So Ash is some kind of a role model for you?

Hau: Of course! My cousin has done amazing things and seeing him battle strives me to battle myself while collecting gym badges so I can enter the Kalos league!

Mairin: That's a big goal, but I'm sure you'll be able to reach it one day.

Hau: Right! Erm?... How about you Mairin? What goal do you have?

Mairin: Oh! Erm... I don't really know to be honest. I've only started to attend school again so maybe graduate from this school?

Hau: That's a suitable goal for you.

Mairin: You think so?

Hau: Sure! What do you think Lillie?...........Lillie?

The young excited prospect looked over at Lillie who wasn't paying attention the conversation going on beside her. Instead she was feeling rather depressed about Gary and Serena's choice about Ash.

Hau: Lillie!

Finally responding, Lillie jumped up in fright as Hau's horn like voice broke through her trance, but once she recovered from her jump scare she immediately glared at Hau.

Hau: Sorry... If I scared you...

Lillie: No, no it's fine Hau. I'm just not thinking straight.

Mairin: Are you feeling okay Lillie?

Lillie: A little, maybe a little upset because of Gary and Serena's decision to not give Ash a chance to explain his past actions.

Trevor: Maybe they'll come round soon. I bet it's all the tension building up inside of them which is making the two think like that.

While the tiny group were discussing about their latest problems, the surround students were slowly leaving the assembly since the tournament was over for the day, however. Professor Sycamore instructed for Lillie, Hau and Mairin to stay behind and for Shota and Trevor to leave the room.

Confused by Professor Sycamore's request, Trevor and Shota accepted his wishes and slowly left the assembly hall leaving the rest of the group with Professor Sycamore.

Hau: What's the matter Professor? Has something happened?

Professor Sycamore: Actually, yes there has!

A worried expression quickly spread across Hau's face hoping he wasn't in trouble otherwise Delia would be on his case.

Sycamore: Hau, don't worry. You're not in trouble.

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