Chapter 1 - The Mysterious Box

Start from the beginning

Avery nodded before steadying herself. Dylan looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

“Come, hold my hand and do not let go. We will fly around for a short while so you get the hang of the wings before we set off for the palace,” Dylan said, still holding Avery's hands and walking to a more open space. Avery nodded and Dylan shot up into the air so quickly, she almost slipped out of Dylan’s grip. He held her tightly in his arms and she refused to let go as they flew around and around.

“I’m going to let go now. Just think of yourself as a lightweight and believe that you can fly and it’ll work out fine. I’ll be right here,” Dylan said after a short while. 

“Do you really have to? I’m terrified!” Avery squirmed as Dylan pulled away from her. He let go  and Avery started to panic. She looked down and took Dylan’s advice and she shot up back into the air. She squealed with glee as she flew around and around Dylan. She heard the fairies on the ground cheer her. Avery felt amazing. She could fly! She was a fairy…


Arriving at the palace with Dylan behind her, Avery couldn’t believe her eyes! The palace was made out of gold and silver and encrusted with lots of beautiful gems and jewels like diamonds and sapphires. Everything was organised and there were fairy guards watching the doors. Dylan escorted Avery to the dining room where the Queen was waiting. She smiled as she saw Dylan and Avery enter.

“Had fun?” She asked Avery with a slight smile. Avery nodded and a butler escorted her to her seat at the grand table.

“She was a natural, mother! She was scared at first, but they all are and she finally overcame her fear,” Dylan said as he made his way to sit opposite Avery. Avery smiled at him and he smiled back. A butler fairy arrived and serve

“So Princess, you must know the truth on why you were really called here,” the Queen started as she poured herself a drink.  “You have been called because we need your help.  Marigold, my dear sister has been kidnapped by her ex-lover. They are both the reason why I banned fairies from falling in love with each other and the reason why the kingdom seems to be depressed and down."

Avery frowned, thinking about what she had just seen. The fairies seemed happy, delighted and almost full of life. If this is how they were if they are depressed, then how are they when they are happy?

Clarissa continued. "I had always felt my sister had envied me, as I was Queen and she wasn’t and when Dylan was born, she had no chance of being ruler of Enchanted. She always assured me she wasn’t but I refused to believe this. She fell in love with Argon, King of the Underworld and they lived together. I was happy for her, she had finally found love and she was happy. But Argon was jealous. My late husband King Antonio had banished him to the underworld when he had attempted to murder me. This made Argon furious but being king of the underworld wasn’t enough. He wanted more, and he was going to get it. My husband had kept the attempted murder a secret from everyone, even my sister. Argon returned and this time told every one of his plans to murder to me. My guards came and tried to protect me but he slayed them in no time. He came to me and almost killed me but Antonio intervened. He was furious at his interfering and after a long battle; Argon murdered my husband with me and young Dylan watching the whole thing. My heart was broken and I unleashed my true wrath to Argon. He was terrified when he realised what I could do and fled back to the underworld. But it made him hungry for power, and realising how much I had, he was determined to get it. What he didn't know was after Antonio died, I had lost my power. My sister Marigold knew nothing of this attack and murder as she was a mermaid for some time, underwater caring for some injured dolphins. When she returned, she was furious at Argon and left him. She came to me and comforted me and ruled the kingdom for a short time while I was in bereavement. But she realised that she was pregnant with Argon’s baby. She didn’t tell Argon and she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy whom she called Troy. Dylan and Troy grew up together side by side and looked after each other. However, one of the fairies up here was a snitch and told Argon of his child. He was madder than ever and came back to see his child, hoping it had the unlimited power being born from him and a powerful fairy.  Marigold refused to let him see Troy and Argon threatened her, saying he will return and get his revenge. Because of their tragic love story and everything they were put through, I banned all fairies from falling in love with each other.It seemed right at the time, because I couldn't risk any more heart breaks or deaths. At the time, I had already married Raphael so there was protest after protest but they finally gave in when they realised that we were all in danger. Two fairies in love, releases immense power, and Argon was blood-thirsty for this power, after he saw what I could do.  He wanted it, and he would kill anyone that tried to stop him.  Eventually, Argon did return, not so long ago. In the dead of the night, he arrived and took my dear sister and her son. He said we would never see them again because he was going to send them somewhere dreadful and awful. Somewhere we fairies wouldn’t be able to live. He sent them to your home Avery, France. I have sent many loyal fairies to go find them and it has ended with disastrous consequences. Argon has them living there as normal humans and he watches over them. He can sense a fairy, and when he does he kills them, absorbing their energy and making him more powerful. This is why I need your help Princess. Argon cannot sense mortals and you can go there find my sister and nephew and return them home before anymore people are killed and Argon becomes too powerful for us to fight,” The queen explained to Avery.

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