"I'm sure you'll do fine, Normani." Dinah chimes.

Normani ignores the girl's attempt at civil comfort and just listens to whatever Ally says anyways. "We're all going to do great, I can feel it!"

All of the girls then settle into a mutual silent agreement to just sit in silence. Within an hour, Dinah and Ally had successfully completed their auditions and were just waiting for Normani to finish hers. All three girls were getting a ride from Ally's Aunt, who is in town visiting for the week, after they finish up.

"Do you think Anna will take us to get food? I'm starving." Dinah asks, grabbing her stomach dramatically. To put it lightly, she completely nailed her audition and she is more than ready to have a big and fat celebratory meal.

"Oh yeah, I already texted her, girl. We're going to Five Guys."

"Yes! Thank you! I love you Smalls." The older girl cheers, wrapping her arms around the tiny girl.

Right then, Normani comes storming through the auditorium doors. She hastily grabs her stuff and walks out of the large room in a rush. Both Ally and Dinah look at each other and quickly follow Normani out.

"Mani, wait up! What happened?!"

"I sucked. I sounded horrible, I know it. My fucking voice cracked on the last note. I could see the pity on their faces." She rushes out, leaning against her locker.

"Mani, I've heard you sing before. Even your worst sounds good. I already know that you're going to make it to the dance portion tomorrow." The small Latina comforts the distraught girl.

"Yeah, I'm sure you did fine, Normani." Dinah smiles, taking a chance by resting her hand on Normani's shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me." Normani growls, glaring up at the blonde. Dinah cowers in fear. Sure Normani has never been nice to her, but she has never ever seen the girl raise her voice at someone before. Dinah can tell that Normani has some issues going on personally so she tries to keep that in mind whenever she snaps on her.

"Normani." Ally glares at her friend. "I get that you feel that you did badly but that is in no way to take it out on Dinah."

"Screw you. Neither of you seem to get it." The curly haired girl shakes her head rapidly, storming down the hall.

"Wait, Normani, Anna is supposed to be giving us all a ride. We're going to Five Guys!" the dirty blonde calls down the hallway. She is not really sure what got into Normani but she is not really in the mood to deal with her friend's moodiness.

"I'm not hungry." Normani replies before leaving out the door at the end of the hallway.

Dinah and Ally both stand there wondering what the hell just happened. The shorter girl sighs and bends down to pick up her bags.

"Wait, Ally should we go after her? We all haven't eaten since lunch."

"There's no use. She's upset. She wouldn't have eaten anyways." Ally mumbles that last part to herself and starts to head in the direction of where their friend went, to exit.

"What do you mean by that?" Dinah asks as she follows her.

"Nothing! I, um, don't know what you mean by that . . ." Ally plays off nervously, loudly opening the door and holding it for her friend behind her.

*End Flashback*

"Hello. Are there any more tickets available for the matinee at two?" Normani asks through the speaking hole in the bulletproof glass. She is not sure what kind of tickets will be available only thirty minutes before the show.

The Graffiti Artist (Camren/ Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now