L i f e & D e a t h.

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Aaliyah Santiago

"She's losing blood to quickly! Quick take her to the operation room!" My eyes were slightly lifted, I could feel them getting heavy.

I'm in so much pain, at this point, my only concern was my child, and atleast trying to breath. Because I didn't wanna die, not yet.

I kept looking to hear August's voice, that seemed to be the only thing that kept me sane, but he was nowhere to be found. 

I was living off of the little air from the mask on my face, I could feel the blood spilling out of my body, and that same sharp pain .. God it felt like someone was stabbing me over and over and over again.

The nurses pushed the stretcher I was on through the operation room doors.

"Alright, we need a surgeon , a few LPNs, a pediatrician , and a doctor, STAT."

My eyes were getting heavier, causing me to tear up. I don't wanna die.

"Don't worry Ms. Santiago, we'll try everything we can."

I didn't care what they had to do, I just wanted my baby to be alright, and to take this pain away, I couldn't take anymore, and I could only imagine what my baby feels.


August Alsina

My heart beated quickly, as all these thoughts went through my head, I just wanted my child, and the love of muh life to be okay.

I swear everytime I take three steps forward, I get knocked five steps back.

Chris was in the room with me, while AB and Big D were in the waiting room.

"There you are, you're all patched up, the cut didn't get too far deep, so you should be good in a couple weeks, try not to walk on that leg, we'll provide you with crutches, they're not mandatory, but they're recommended."
The doctor explain.

I really didn't give two fucks about what he was saying I just wanted to see Aaliyah.

"Where's Aaliyah?" I asked.

"She's currently in the Operating room."

"Alright well then we goin ta tha operation room." I said.

"Wait, you all are not allowed back there while there is an operation going on. " the doctor stopped us.

"Man the fuck you mean we can't go back there? That's my girl." I shouted in frustration.

"Calm down Mr. Alsina , I understand all that, they're doing what they can to help."

"So you tellin me that I can't see her?"

"Not until the procedures over with, no."

"Man fuck that." I spat walking out the room.

"August, come on man, chill out." Chris stopped me, pulling the sleeve of my shirt.

I snatched away lookin him up and down. "Fuck you mean chill?"

"Bruh , exactly what I said, chill out, let the people do they job, stop rushin the shit."

"That's easy fa yo ass ta say that shit, yo girl ain in critical condition like my girl is! Yo child is not at a risk of death , and leg ain fucked up! So you shouldn't be speakin on shit!"

Love Don't Change. (August Alsina Love Story) *COMPLETED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora