Sweet Love.

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August Alsina
10:41 am

Today was my last full day wit Aaliyah , then tomarra' I had ta take off for my tour wit Chris.

I had just woke up and Aaliyah's ass was still knocked out, but that was understandable, I had her ass up all night.

She layed on the bed in nothing but lace boy shorts as she hugged the pillow she layed on. Damn, I could just stare at ha' ass all day.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a quick picture of her, I captioned it 'Ima miss wakin up ta dis 🍑😋💍'

I was so ready fa this tour , but I hated being without my baybeh , she wasn't the only one who felt some type uh way about it.

These past couple uh weeks, me and Aaliyah had been doin nothin but chillin together, whether it's going to the movies, fucking, out with friends, to a club, or even at home just enjoying each others company.

Since today is my last day wit her, until two months, I wanna do something special fa ha.

I got up out of the bed, I knew Aaliyah usually woke up at like 9 am on her regular days, but if she got the dick the night before, she'd be up by 12 or 1pm.

I opened the little box on the dresser grabbing an already prepared blunt along with my lighter and went out to the balcony, I slid the door shut behind me and sat down on the little couch we had out there.

I placed the blunt between my lips before lighting it and takin a drag.

I inhaled and let it seep through my nose.

I just felt like spoiling my baby today before I left, ion want her poutin n bein sad, cus lord knows that girl will.

All of a sudden I felt someone's presence, I looked back to see Aaliyah's tiny ass puppy Cocoa, I slid the door open and she came prancing out.

"Wassup ?"

She just turned her head, looking at me like I was crazy.

I finished my blunt and stuck the roached bud in the ash tray.

I slid the door open and let Cocoa run in first before getting in and shutting the door carefully behind me.

I grabbed some clothes from my drawer and went down the hall to take a shower, so I wouldn't wake her.

I started the shower, got undressed, tossing my clothes in the hamper, and got straight in. I did a quick wash, making sure I was clean, before getting out , wrapping a towel around my waist , and finishing up the rest of my hygiene routine.

I wiped the steam off the mirror and examined myself, I ran my hand through my curls, playing wit em before allowing them to fall into place.

I dried off and put my outfit for the day on.

I walked out the rest room and back into the bed room to find Aaliyah still in the same position on the bed, I grabbed my phone and went down stairs.

It was only 11:23 , so I called my Occasional chef that cooked for me ever so often and scheduled for him to be here before 12.

He only lived like 20 minutes away, so I wasn't trippin.

I wanted to get my hair lined up today, so I was going to set up somethin really nice fa Aaliyah.

I grabbed a little card from the drawer and wrote a little note, before grabbing my keys and heading out the house.


Aaliyah Marie Sanchez

I woke up to an empty bed and sore ass legs. Damn August gon stop havin my ass crippled.

Love Don't Change. (August Alsina Love Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now