S t u c k i n l o v e.

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August Alsina

"So ya tellin me, yo ass cook, clean, ya loyal, and bad as hell? Damn whea was yo ass when I was cryin ova my ex?" I laughed causing her to join in.

"Baby boy, I'm wondering the same damn thing, the only thing wrong with you, is that you're a little too fine." She joked.

"A little? God blessed my ass." I chuckled.

"Eww cocky ass." She tooted her nose up, slick reminding me of Aaliyah, lol she used ta always scrunch her face up, when I- shut up August.

"Hush, why my looks gotta be a pra'lem?"

"Because that'll attract the thirsties." She teased.

"The thirsties?" I chuckled licking my lips, "what that make you one too? Cus it sho'nuff attracted you."

She cocked her neck back, before slapping my arm. "don't play wit me."

"Chill." I laughed.

"You know I decided to bless you wit my presence." She laughed.

"Can't even front onnat." I chuckled.


Miracle and I been fuckin wit each other fa a good minute na, her presence lightens my mood a whole lot. She been takin my mind off shit, and yes .. We fucked, and her shit is a damn blessin! Just what I needed. I'd be going on tour soon though , so that's also gon keep my mind off shit, don't get me wrong, Aaliyah was not just gon disappear out of my head, she was perfect fa me, that was my girl fa more than three years, so hell yea I'm still broken.


Aaliyah Santiago

I held my stomach , throwing up everything I'd just ate into the toilet.

"What the fuck?" I breathed.

Before I could even begin to collect myself, I got a call on my cellphone from AB.

"Wow perfect timing A." I sighed grabbing my phone to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey." I sighed.

"You okay?"

"If by okay, you mean struggling to fall apart from a broken heart, and dysfunctional stomach, then yes, I'm great." I replied grabbing my tooth brush.

"Aaliyah, you've been acting all up tight like your okay, it's okay to not be okay. Stop trying to fool everyone, because the only person your fooling is yourself."

"AB I'm just trying to be okay, I don't wanna cry, I don't wanna be sad, I don't wanna mope, I wanna move on. You don't think I wanna be up under August right now? That'd be the best thing ever right now, but I know it'd be stupid. I'm doing what's best for me right now."

"I understand Aaliyah, all I'm saying is stop pushing yourself to feel better so quickly because it's not gonna happen. And as much as I want you and Aug to work it out, I know it's not gonna happen."

"I know, I want the same thing, but life has its ways for a reason." I sighed.

"You're definitely right about that, but I actually called to tell you that Love and Hip Hop, comes out this month on the 1st."

"The 1st? Are you- oh myyy goddd AB! Holy shit!" I shouted.

"What ?! What's wr-"

Before she could finish her sentence, I hung up, trying to catch my breath. Today was the fifteenth of August.

I ran upstairs , busting into my room, I looked at the huge calendar on the door.

"No, shit no, fuck no, god no!" I shouted grabbing a handful of my hair.

I paced back in forth trying to hold back the tears that I really didn't feel like shedding.

"God please, please." I repeated.

Just then my cell phone rung again.

I picked it up. "AB."

"Girl if you don't tell me what's so important about the first, I'm going to kill you." She threatened.

"I missed my period, it didn't come at all, I've been feeling sick.."

"Oh damn bitch you're pregnant!" She shouted excitedly.

"I-I don't want to be, stop celebrating."

"Listen Aaliyah, just to be safe, go get a pregnancy test."

I rolled my eyes. Really God? I try my best to get away from August and this is how you repay me?

I sighed. "I'll call you right back." 

"Okay let me know!"

With that I hung up, running to the restroom closet. I rummaged through all the shit until I came across one of the many pregnancy tests I had.

Out of all the fuckin times August and I didn't use condoms, this is the time it backfires?

I opened it. Following the directions. Yeah nothing new, I used one of these before, pee on the stick, wait a few minutes, got it.

I sat it on a paper towel, ready to see the results immediately, I swear I was pacing the restroom, checking it every five seconds.

To waste time I called AB back.

"Yaaaay your pregnant right!?" She shouted.

"No bitch, I mean I don't know, it's loading." I spat, I swear My palms were sweating and my hands were shaking.

"Well damn, stop stressing, you know you've wanted a kid by August for the longest."

"That was when we were together , now this is my worst nightmare."

"If you're pregnant , that means that crazy old lady that we met was right." She laughed.

"What cra- Ohh damn, she did tell me I was pregnant.. Crazy bitch cursed me."

"Check it! It should already be ten minutes!"

"I don't want it to be positive AB." I whined as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Bitch suck it up, and check it!"

I wiped my tears and turned towards the pregnancy test. My eyes scanned over the test and a huge plus sign caught my eye.

"Shit." I cried silently.

"Aaliyah?" AB echoed back.

"Shit..." I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

I blocked out AB's celebration on the other line, and my tears that seemed to keep coming, because my thoughts were louder than anything right now.

It all made sense, everything , the stomach pains, bloating, throwing up, mood swings.. I'm pregnant, with the person I desperately hate to love.



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Love Don't Change. (August Alsina Love Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now