My Business

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Jasper's POV

I watched as a dejected Mandy with her head bowed and her eye down cast trudge to her office.

I was angry, seriously angry and I meant every word I said.

"Garrett, follow him I want to know everything there is to know about him"

Garrett nodded and left.

"Okay Mr Clayton, it's time to get dirty" I muttered to myself.

The phone was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello" came a gruff response.

"Travis, good to hear your voice, I need a favour from an old friend, I need to know everything about a guy called Clayton, I will give you all the details as soon as I get them, oh and Travis, I need some dirt, whatever happens get me some dirt, understand, thank you"

"Now Mr Clayton let's get down to business"


Mandy's POV

I just couldn't concentrate on the books, I had made three errors already, sighing I put down my pen and slumping back in the chairs I stared up at the ceiling blinking back the tears.

There was a tentative knock on my door, I wiped my eyes with my hand and choked out a reply.

" Come in"

The door opened slowly and there stood Jasper, with a nervous smile on his face.

"Hey" he whispered.

"Hey" I mimicked, though I couldn't muster up the smile.

I watched as Jasper's face changed from sad to determined, he straightened his stance and marched over grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

"Hey" I repeated this time it was more of a shout than a whisper.

"I am not standing around while you have a pity party, I told you I would take care of this and I mean it, now you and I are going out now! And get your mind off this"

Wow Jasper can be dominating when he wants to be, me I was shell shocked, he dragged me down to the annex past a surprised Rosie and Dawn, who giggled when I looked at them and pleaded with my eyes for help.

Dawn mouthed back 'no way' as Rosie shook her head, so much for friends.

Jasper threw open my bedroom door and ushered me inside.

" Now get ready, we are going out to enjoy this day, you have thirty minutes, if your not ready them I will dress you"

Shit, I never moved so fast in my life, the thought of Jasper dressing me, in the mood he was in both excited and terrified me.

"Um where are we going, so I know what to wear" I mumbled.

"We are taking Bonnie out for a long walk, then lunch and after that we'll make it up as we go along"

Why, oh why did he have to stand there arms folded leaning against the door frame staring at me with lust filled eyes, as I basically preformed a striptease in front of him.

"Hurry up Mandy, or I may find another way to take your mind off things" he growled in a low husky voice, as he adjusted his crotch.

Oh lore if I don't get dressed quickly I knew we would never get out the bedroom today and as much as that appealed to me, I needed to get out of Woodstock to get my head together.

"Okay, okay you perv, sheesh, don't you nag"

I quickly put on some skinny jeans and a baggy t shirt, slipped on some comfortable trainers and presented myself to Jasper as ready, with a 'ta da' and a pose.

"About time" he grumbled

"Come on misery, let's get Bonnie's cage and head out" I laughed.

"Where do you fancy going"

" A walk along the canal sounds just perfect to clear my head" as I grabbed Bonnie's cage and handed it to Jasper, while I rounded up an overly excited dog and got her ready.

"We'll take my car" Jasper said strutting out the front armed with Bonnie's cage and drink, as a Range Rover with blacked out windows pulled up.

I let out a small giggle which I hid behind my hand, even going out for a walk it had to be in a chauffeur driven car.

" Where to Mr Jackson" asked the chauffeur.

"No idea ask Miss Clayton, she's the tour guide today"

"Miss Clayton, hi I'm Robert, where to ma'am"

" I think Kidlington, a walk along the grand union canal sounds ideal"

The one good thing about Bonnie is she loves going in a car, she settled in her cage awaiting her release, this left Jasper and I peace and quiet to talk, Which inevitably came around to my father.

"I can't believe it, after all these years of no contact, he pops up and demands half of my business after he has done nothing to help"

"Don't worry angel, I have people working on it, I emailed a copy of the paperwork to Markus and he's flying here as we speak, so for once trust me eh"

"I do trust you, it just seems hopeless"

"Come on, I ban all talk of business yours or mine for today, today is about you, me and Bonnie time, so forget about it and enjoy my company" he smiled.

"Okay, I'll try" as I matched his smile, hell he was taking time out to cheer me up, so I should make an effort and as we got out and walked down to the towpath, Jasper grabbed my hand and started swinging it back and forth, while giving an awful rendition of 'we're off to see the wizard' from the wizard of Oz.

And before long he had me in hysterics with his antics and my problems were forgotten for the moment.

We walked along acting like silly young teenagers, Bonnie was hyper and joining in on Jasper's daft escapades leaping about and yapping.

It was turning into a lovely day, we chatted to some fishermen and waved at the passing barges, even helping them to negotiate the locks.

When our stomach's started to complain they were hungry, we turned and headed back the way we came, to meet up with the car back at the bridge.

Just as we reached the bridge Jasper's phone rang, he looked at the screen.

"I need to take this Mandy, I'll meet you in the car" he winked as I walked off.

Perching on the edge of my seat I leaned forward and opened the cooler and smiled, Jasper really did know me as I helped myself to a J2O orange and passion fruit my favourite soft drink.

I was just settling back in my seat when the door opened and a still smiling Jasper climbed in.

At least the phone call couldn't have been that bad, as he was still happy.

"Right my darling where are the three of us going to eat"

"Three?" I quizzed.

"Hey!" He gasped "I'm taking my girls to lunch" pointing over his shoulder at Bonnie "Think I would forget that part of our family.

Our family I mused that did sound good.

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