My Lovely Life

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Mandy's POV

It was a beautiful, sunny spring morning, as I sat on the old wooden stocks outside the museum, resting my weary feet.

As my morning ritual consisted of a brisk walk through the town gate of Blenheim Park, down past the streams running out towards the great lake, known to the locals as the sheepwash.

Past the game keepers lodge with the duck and pheasant cages, round the lake over the Grand Bridge, past the Palace and back through the gate all the time trying desperately to keep up with my three year old rescue dog.

Bonnie a Jack Russell Terrier and the love of my life along with my business, What more could a woman want.

As I sat with my trainers off, massaging my feet, with Bonnie sprawled out under the bench out of the morning sun, Mrs Winters strolled by with a newspaper tucked under her arm, when she saw me she stopped and headed over.

Mrs Winters ran the small post office and was the epitamy of the town gossip, if you wanted the whole town to know anything, then Mrs Winters was your best bet and decidedly cheaper than taking out an advertisement.

Definitely getting on in years, though even for all her gossiping no one knew her age, she looked just like Robin Williams as Mrs Doubtfire, in fact they could have been twins.

She bustled up to me and drew the paper out from under her arm as though pulling a sword out from its scabbard and with a flourish, waved it under my nose with a look of distain on her face.

"Have you seen the headlines Mandy"

There was no good morning or how are you, straight to the chase with Mrs Doubtfire, I mean Winters.

"Well" she huffed expectantly.

I knew I was caught, because no I hadn't seen the headlines, but as soon as I admit that, then I would get the full unedited version explained to me in graphic detail and so it was.

"Hollywood is coming here to do a film at the Palace"

And she went on to explain the why's and where fore's.

"Plus" she said and I hopefully prayed this was the end.

"That American actor, you know the superstar, the one in Trust me to Death, the womaniser and playboy, Brent Simons he's coming"

"Well that's nice to know" I politely replied " Could do with some more business"

At this Bonnie whined, giving me an excuse to escape.

" Well it's been nice talking to you Mrs Winters, but I must go, Bonnie wants her food and I must get the breakfast ready for our guests"

With that I tugged on Bonnie's lead and practically dragged her down the street, before Mrs Winters could summon up a reply.

Letting out a deep breath as we entered the back lobby, I wiped the early morning dew off Bonnie's coat and took her lead off, she thanked me by shaking her body and splashing the excess moisture up the lobby walls.

"Gee's thank Bonz" I muttered as she charged into the little back kitchen that belonged to the annex we called home, seeking out her breakfast.

Bonz was the nickname given to her by Rosie in honour of her crush years ago on the Fonz in happy days.

After cleaning up the mess, I followed into the kitchen, to see her sat, facing her food cupboard, as soon as she saw me enter she whined and wagged her tail in eager anticipation.

I couldn't help but shake my head and smile, as I made my way to the sink to wash my hands.

I turned on the tap and waited as the pipes grumbled and protested as the water fought it's way to the tap and freedom.

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