Goodbye Mr Bastard

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Jasper's POV

Four hours later we pulled up to what was once a grand house, but now was in desperate need of repair.

Now was the time. For ages I had two big regrets, even going through my bastard faze, these two decisions had plagued me, they were wrong, seriously wrong and I needed to do something about them and today was that day.

I had my investigators find out everything about Edward and Christina Pullman, I was relieved they had patched up their relationship and got married, they even had a young son and a baby on the way.

But the Pullman's had hit bad times and were about to be evicted from their home.

As our car pulled up to the broken gate, I could see a woman peering out of the curtains, Skyla and I exited the car and walked up the path towards the door.

Skyla was my PA, Image consultant and fixer, in other words invaluable.

The door opened revealing a haggard looking Edward Pullman and peering from over this left shoulder Mrs Pullman.

His face went from despair, to relief to shock, to a simmering controlled anger.

"What do you want" he commanded.

"I want to see you and your wife, I have come to apologise and to right my wrongs towards you both"

Stunned silence.

"To late" came a female voice from over his shoulder. "We are being evicted by another bastard, who holds our deeds"

"Oh you mean these deeds" I held the papers up for them to see.

"You own the deeds?" Sighed Edward.

"Actually no I don't, you do"

That got their attention, as they looked at me mouths open in complete shock and do you know what, I felt a flutter in my chest.

Not because they were shocked but because I was about to right a wrong and for some reason I felt happy and relieved.

"However their are certain conditions attached"

I could see their bodies deflate and couldn't help the small smile that crept on my face, this was going to be good.

"I want you to work with me Edward" I knew he had lost his job at the works, that was why they were being evicted.

"You want to give me my old job back" he said with hope in his eyes.

"No" I stated and held my hand up as he was deflated again "I said with me not for me"

He stared at me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"I want you to become Operations Director of JJF studio's Hollywood, I want you to be my right hand man"

I could see the utter disbelief in their eyes and couldn't help but smile.

"What do you say Edward"

"This isn't some kind of a sick joke is it?"

"Mr Steinberg" I yelled over my shoulder and my lawyer stepped out from the limo and made his way towards us.

"Mr Steinberg did you bring a contract of employment with you?"

" I have it right here Mr Jackson"

"Would you pass it over to Mr Pullman to look at please"

Which he duly did.

Edward read through it quickly, then looked up at me.

"You're not kidding are you" he whispered.

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