Plan A

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Diane's POV

How the hell am I going to straighten out this mess of my brothers, as I watched him stagger from his bed to the bathroom, still feeling the effects of the alcohol as he swayed from side to side.

I started to pick up the mess from all over the floor and pile it in the kitchen, as I was making a difference there was a knock on the door, glancing to find my brother still locked in the bathroom.

I made my way over and opened the door.

"Oh hi! Diane is Jasper in" asked Melanie Matthews.

" He's in but not at home" I replied, to which she jerked her head back and stared at me.

I sighed.

"Come see" I gestured for her to enter.

She stepped daintily into the bedroom and looked around the room, her hand going to her mouth as she gasped and took in the scene of devastation.

"Good grief what happened, was he burgled"

"No worse he's fallen in love and totally screwed it up"

"He has, he did?" she asked looking at me for an explanation.

I nodded.

"But how, I understand he's useless at chatting up women, he just relies on his looks and the fact that women want him, are you telling me he found a woman that's not affected by his looks and he needs to work at it" she said bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet in excitement.

I nodded again.

"But he messed up big time with her and she won't have anything to do with him"

"Who is she, I must meet her, is she an actress, singer, model?"

"Nope she's the girl from England that slapped him"

" From England, she slapped him" she mimicked my answer, obviously not aware of any of these facts.

"Oh yes she slapped him hard"

"Why?" She asked with genuine interest.

"Well because he kissed her"

I could tell Melanie was struggling to grasp the concept of Jasper kissing a girl and she slapping him.

"Wow!" Was all Melanie could come up with.

Just then Jasper came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

"Hi Mel" he rasped.

"Jasper you look like shit, put some clothes on for God's sake" squealed Melanie.

"Hold the noise" he groaned " Get out so I can get dressed then"

So Melanie and I retreated to the kitchen, knowing that he would be like a bear with a sore head without an intake of coffee.

"I see what you mean, this girl has affected him badly, what Did he do to mess up?"

So I relayed the whole story, from the fateful kiss to him blackmailing Mandy to go to America with him, forcing her to attend dinner with our parents, by lying.

Then the pretence of the lawyer dropping the case, even lying about me, saying I was his personal shopper not his sister.

Then Mandy returning to the hotel the meeting with Mr Steinberg his lawyer and his denial of the case, then finding Melanie and Jasper in his doorway.

This made Melanie gasp even more.

"But there's nothing going on between Jasper and me" she said exasperated.

"I know that, so does Jasper, but Mandy doesn't "

"Anyway" and I continued the story about Mandy running and Jasper chasing after her and the meeting in the park.

"And this is result" spreading my arms out to the mess in the room.

"Oh Diane what are we going to do, can we salvage this relationship?"

"I honestly don't know what to do" I groaned. "I promised I would help, but to be blunt, I'm struggling at what to do"

"So she saw me and Jasper together" Melanie muttered.

"Sorry what did you say" I hadn't heard properly, as I was deep in thought.

"I have an idea, I must tell this Mandy she has nothing to worry about with me and Jasper, I'll go and see her"

"Melanie she's in England, she saw you with Jasper do you honestly believe she'll listen?"

"Shit, you're right, it's partly my fault, this mess"

"Hey come on Melanie, how were you suppose to know, it's not like Jasper told you or anything "

"I know, but all the same I feel a bit responsible"

We sat in silence pondering the problem, just as Jasper walked in fully dressed, still looking miserable.

"Hey girls" he muttered slumping down in a large armchair, before throwing his head back and Sighing.

Suddenly Melanie shot up and stood in the middle of the room with her arms folded across her chest.

"I know how I'm going to help" she stated defiantly.

"I going to tell Mandy the truth" with a sharp nod of her head.

"But Melanie, we have already been through this" I whined.

"Yes I know, so I do it in a way she has to believe me, I do it via the world's press"

That got Jasper and my attention, we shot up from our chairs and crowded Melanie.

"Melanie you can't, it could ruin you, you said so yourself " Jasper pointed out.

"Melanie are you sure about this, is it wise" I added

"Yes" she said with determination in here voice.

"I have kept it bottled up for years, now is the time the world knows, besides it will help Jasper"

We pleaded with her for the next ten minutes, Melanie was a very fickle and emotional person and for her this was a hell of a giant step.

But Melanie stood fast, she was determined this was right and what needed to be done.

So she rang her agent and arranged a press conference and asked if Jasper would accompany her in the interview, which he said he would, it was left that I wouldn't, as having been introduced to Mandy as his personal shopper, it was thought best that we don't show up another one of his lies whilst trying to fix a problem.

So the following morning the world would know Melinie's secret and hopefully so would Mandy, but would it help Jasper, we just didn't know for certain.

We spent the rest of the day planning what to say at this interview and how we would handle all the different scenarios.

Melanie was still determined this was the right thing to do, Jasper had bucked up a bit and was more optimistic than me, that this would help, but he was also concerned for his only real friend and how she would cope.

That evening we dined out at a local French restaurant and talked about anything that didn't include Mandy or the up and coming interview.

The following morning Jasper and Melanie made their way to the studio for the interview.

Me I had to try and muster up some help.

"Hello is that the Blenheim View bed and breakfast, it is, good I was wondering if you would do me a big favour, I know it's a lot to ask but it would be of great help to me, you'll try thank you, will this is what I would like you to do"

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