Wanting Advice

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Jasper's POV

I walked away from a crying Mandy, she knew everything, I had totally fucked it all up, I knew I had to leave, she deserved better than me, she needed someone she could trust and not lie to her.

I didn't know how to deal with this, I had feelings I had never had before, I had strong feelings for Mandy, but I didn't know how to act on them.

I walked back through the park, through the town gate and back to my car, I instructed the driver to take me back to Heathrow, as we headed out of Woodstock, I opened a bottle of whiskey and took a health swallow then another and another to take the hurt and pain away.


Mandy's POV

I watched as Jasper walked away from me head bowed, a part of me wanted him to come back and explain everything away, the other part wanted him and the pain and hurt he brings to be gone for good.

As the speck disappeared in the distance and my tears ceased to flow, I looked down at Bonnie who sat staring up at me, she hated it when I was sad and as she raised her paw and dabbed my leg, I knelt down and lifted her up, where she licked my face and gave a tentative wag of her tail.

I smiled and put her down.

"Come on Bonnie let's go home" I whispered.

As we trudged the rest of our walk in a sullen silence back to my B and B.

Once inside I was stopped by Rosie.

"Hell Mandy what's up you've been crying, are you all right?"

"Yes, you'll never guess who I bumped into in the park, Mr Jasper Jackson"

"What !"

"You heard"

"But what was he doing there"

"He came looking for me, said he wanted to know why I stood him up, so I told him, he didn't say anything and left"

"Wow, that's weird, you mean he travelled all the way from America to see why you stood him up and then left"

"That's what it looks like"

" But why couldn't he have just phoned and asked"

"I have no idea"

Just then Bella came in and I had to explain it all again.

"There is another explanation, he has feelings for you"

"Don't be so ridiculous, he was screwing an actress, for goodness sake, so why would he have feelings for me, no there's got to be another reason, but I'm dammed if I know what"

We stood in silence for a few minutes deep in our own thought's, till I broke the silence.

"Anyway let's get to work, the guests need feeding and I think we've seen the last of Mr Jasper Jackson, so it doesn't matter anyway"

So why did I have a pain in my body at the thought of never seeing him again.


Jasper's POV

(Three days later)

My sister Diane came in to my bedroom and took one look at me, I must have been a sight as she wrinkled her nose up and rolled her eyes in disgust.

As my eyes began to focus, I took in my surroundings, last night's clothes were thrown everywhere, there was an empty whiskey bottle on the floor, that would explain why my mouth felt the way it did, half empty take away containers littering the bedroom furniture.

"What the hell happened to you" Diane enquired.

"Nothing why"

"You look like shit"


"What happened to Amanda I didn't see her the other night and why were you with Melanie "

"Long story"

"She dumped you" My sister laughed.

"It's not funny sis"

"Oh but it is, you got dumped by a girl, before you got your end away "

I growled.

" Yer well it didn't take long for her to find a replacement for me. She got carried on the plane by some guy.

"My god your jealous"

"No I'm not"

"Well good for her, I hope he took her to heaven and back, she deserves someone caring"

I threw my lamp at the wall and got up and stalked around the room.

"Yes you are jealous, I don't believe it, the great Jasper Jackson jealous of a girl who turned him down and fucked someone more caring" and she burst out laughing.

"Fuck off sis it's none of your business, get out" I shouted.

I never shout at my sister, I could see the hurt in her eyes as she stood to leave.

"Fuck you, Jasper" she said heading for the door.

I grabbed her arm, and she struggled to break free a small tear in her left eye.

"I'm sorry sis, I really am"

The look of shock in her face would have been priceless if I wasn't in such a mood, as I have never apologise to anyone. She returned and sat.

I took a deep breath.

"Yer, she dumped me" I sighed.

My sis looked at me still in shock.

"And yes I have feeling for her, feelings I have never had for anyone before in my life not even that bitch Joanne, I don't know what it is, but I have never felt like this before"

"Bloody hell, I never thought I would live to see the day my brother fell for a girl for real"

"I told you I don't know if I'm falling for her"

"Do you think about her"

"All the time"

"How did you feel seeing her being carried by a man"

"I wanted to kill him, for touching what's mine"

"Yours?" Diane said raising her eyebrows.

" Yes mine" I answered looking her directly in the eye's.

"Shit bro you are so screwed"

"What do you mean"

"Believe it or not, I don't think you are falling for Mandy, I reckon you have already fallen for her, it's physically and mentally hurting you, how did you screw it up "

So I told her about Melanie and that afternoon.

"You jerk, didn't you tell her about you and Melanie's relationship, you have royalty fucked up haven't you"

I nodded.

"But you know I can't say anything about Melanie, I promised I would keep it a secret for her sake, god don't you think I was tempted to tell Mandy everything, but I couldn't.
I went to see her and when I ambushed her in Blenheim Park she screamed at me for answers and I couldn't give her any so I left. I don't know what to do sis, will you help me please"

"Bro, I like Mandy, she's definitely not like Joanne and just so I can see you happily married and I get nieces and nephews to look after, I will, but you must agree that what I say goes else I walk and you are on your own"

I nodded.

"Anything just please help me" I whispered.

Now to get my girl.

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