Goodbye Hollywood

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Mandy's POV

I was in a good mood swinging my bags back and forth and whistling softly to myself, Diane was an amazing personal shopper and helped me choose a nice dress and accessories for the celebration party tonight.

As I reached the reception desk a short man with an extremely receded hairline and an ill fitting grey suit with large owl type glasses, was speaking to one of the receptionists.

"Can you make sure Mr Jackson gets that as soon as possible, tell him Mr Markus Steinberg his lawyer sent it okay"

"I turned my head to look at the guy as he turned to me and our eyes met, he gave a subtle little smile before starting to move off.

"Mr Steinberg" I called after him, he stopped and looked at me a little suspiciously.

"I would like to thank you for not suing me, I really appreciate it and held my hand out, he looked at me then my hand then back at me, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand I wasn't suing anybody"

I gave a short laugh.

"Sorry, no not you personally, Mr Jackson's company, I'm Mandy, I mean Amanda Clayton, I'm the one who slapped him" and I gave him a little demonstration.

He looked at me even stranger this time.

" I'm sorry young lady, I don't know what your talking about and if we were to try and sue every young lady that slapped Mr Jackson we would have the courts tied up for years, good day" and he turned again to leave.

I grabbed his arm halting him.

"Hang on, you mean you were never going to sue me?"

"Miss" he huffed in a I'm getting pissed off with this conversation way.

"I don't know who you are, Mr Jackson has never mentioned you and slapping him is hardly worth our while getting involved in, now good day" and with that he stormed off, leaving me to pick my jaw up of the floor.

What the hell! Why did he fly me halfway round the world to see a lawyer about being sued, if the lawyer doesn't know anything about it?

That bastard he's given me sleepless nights and worry for nothing, with that I stormed into the lift and headed up to the penthouse.

I was so wrapped up in trying to figure out what the hell was going on, that I got off on the wrong floor.

Seeing as the lift was already on it's way , I decided to walk up the stairway, as I opened the stair door on the top floor and wandered down the hallway.

I heard a familiar voice from around the corner, I hurried along to go and have it out with him, when I heard a sexy sultry female voice.

"Oh baby that was so good, I really enjoyed our afternoon"

I peered around the corner and saw the profile of Jasper and Melanie Matthews the star of some of his films, she was running her nails up and down his bare chest as he stood there in only his boxers.

I pulled back around the corner and fought back the tears of anger, if there is such a thing.

I heard him speak.

"Thanks for a great afternoons entertainment"

To which she sniggered.

"I must go I have a date for the theatre and must get ready" he laughed.

" Lucky girl" she purred " Glad I could help in getting you ready for your evenings pleasures"

"You sure did" and they both laughed.

The bastard was just trying to get me into his bed so I could be another notch on his belt.

I waited till I heard her get in the elevator and Jasper's door shut, before I silently tiptoed to my door and let myself in quietly, throwing the bags on the bed.

I rang down to the desk and asked them to book me a flight home to get there as quickly as possible, as I had a family emergency and I need to leave immediately.

Grabbing all my clothes and leaving everything he had bought me behind, I packed my case, with tears in my eye's, tears of betrayal, I quietly left my room taking the stairs down a floor, then the elevator.

I called at the reception desk and made the guy promise not to tell Jasper unless he asked, I could see the look of sympathy in the clerk's eyes as he nodded his head in agreement.

I made my way to the airport by taxi avoiding the limo and Jasper's driver.

Arriving at the airport I made my way to the ticket counter and collected my ticket, I always seemed to be running from Jasper, making my way to the bar as I need some alcohol, definitely not normal for me, I sat down and tried to put the pieces together, as I sat there the tears started to fall, I tried to stem the flow but was fighting a loosing battle.

"Are you alright my dear" the sweet little old lady asked who had been sitting next to me.

I don't know whether it was the alcohol, but I found myself telling her everything apart from their names and financial status, as the tear flowed freely.

the woman sat and listened as I poured my heart out.

After she left wishing me luck, I sat and drank.

Two handsome guys asked if they could sit at my table as everywhere else was full and I nodded, they asked about the tears and again the alcohol helped me relay the story again.

They were both very sympathetic and cursed Jasper's behaviour, saying they never fall out and have been together for five years, just my luck.

I must have drank a lot because Colby practically carried me on the plane while Ben followed behind with our hand luggage.

I thanked him as he deposited me in my seat and they went to find theirs.

And promptly fell asleep.


Jasper POV

I called Mandy's room to tell her, a hair stylist and makeup girl were coming over to get her ready for this evening but there was no reply.

'Strange' I thought. 'I'm sure I heard her come back a while ago'

I headed out into the hallway and knocked on Mandy's door. Still no answer, now I'm beginning to get worried, running back inside my room, I rang down to reception and they confirmed my worst fears she had checked out.

Shit! What the hell is it with this woman she's always running from me.

I picked up my phone and called my security team to find her.

I was getting desperate now, I had a red carpet event and Mandy was to be my date for the night and hopefully a lot more, now she had disappeared.

I was getting angry now, where the hell is she, then my phone rang with the news from my security that she was on a flight back to England.

Damn, first I needed a date for tonight, since bloody Mandy had let me down, Melanie she will do and when this is over, back to England to sort Miss bloody Clayton out, how dare she embarrass me yet again.

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