A night To Remember

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Mandy's POV

I couldn't move, I think my mouth must have been open as I felt a draught where my lips would normally meet.

It took a while for his words to sink in, I just stared at him as though he had grown another head, I could see his anger change to concern to worry as I still didn't say anything.

Until that moment in time when everything fits into place and your mind, brain and mouth reconnect, not always in the right order.

"Are you out of your fucking mind" I screamed making those not already watching our show, look.

"Shh" he hissed.

"Don't you shush me" I yelled even louder "There is no way on this planet I am going to Hollywood with you or anybody else"

By now he was getting angry.

"You have no choice if you don't my company will prosecute, now we leave Saturday and will be back Monday, okay? Now be quiet, order you food and behave yourself " he barked out.

"I jumped to my feet, slamming my napkin down on the table.

"Okay asshole I will go to Hollywood with you and get this cleared up once and for all so I can get shot of you, as for the rest I'm not hungry and I'm going home, goodbye" and with that I stormed across the restaurant towards the exit.

As I neared the door I felt a strong hand grip my arm and spin me around.

"Mandy, now behave and sit down and enjoy your meal, stop behaving like a spoilt brat, you're embarrassing me, I mean us"

"I shook my hand free from his grip and putting both hands on his chest, I pushed with all my strength, sending him backwards across a table of diner's who were watching our interaction intently.

"Fuck you" and I ran out as fast as I could, I pushed past a couple and stole their taxi, apologising to them as I barrelled into the back of the cab, saying it was an emergency.

I told the driver to take me to Paddington station as quickly as he could.

As we pulled away, I couldn't help the tears that fell.

"Are you all right love" the driver asked with concern.

I nodded I was.


"Not really just an asshole"

"A lot of them about, love" he said "I saw a guy come flying out the door after you got in, do you reckon he will come after you?"

"More than likely, he won't take no for an answer"

"Where are you heading for?"


"Right I have a better idea if you go from Paddington now you'll have a wait and he might find you, but you could go from Marylebone to Banbury the train leaves in 20 minutes and we are only 10 minutes from the station, provided you can get home from Banbury"

"Yes please that sounds great and thank you"

As I paid and insisted he take a generous tip I headed to the ticket counter, purchased a ticket and rushed onto the platform as my train was called.

Once I was seated I called Rosie and told her what happened at dinner, I Would fill her in about Hollywood when I got home.

"What an asshole, don't worry I'll get dad to pick you up"

I thanked her and gave her the trains arrival time, after hanging up I sat back and closed my eyes, replaying the evenings events over and over in my head.

I didn't want to go to Hollywood, I had a business to run, I know it could run fine without me for a few days, but that wasn't the point, plus I would miss Bonnie.

I had never left her before, wiping the tears from my swollen eyes, I tried to think positively, that it would all be over soon, as I drifted off in a restless sleep.

I woke what seemed only moments later to the announcement that the train was arriving at Banbury station.

I got up and looked at my phone, eleven missed calls and
Twenty one text messages. All but one of each from an unknown number, that turned out to be Jasper's after I read one of the texts, how the hell did he get my number?

Ignoring the rest of Jasper's, I read the text from Rosie's dad, saying he tried to ring but I hadn't answered and that he was waiting for me just outside the station in the car park.

I let out a sigh of relief, just as my phone rang again the same unknown number, groaning as I knew who it was now, I answered.


"Mandy where the hell are you, I been calling you, now tell me where you are and I will come and fetch you"

"Don't bother" I snapped back "I'm home, I'll see you Saturday to get this settled, then I don't ever want to see you again, got it" and with that I hung up.

I changed unknown to Mr Jerkson, so I'll know for certain when he calls.

I made my way out of the station to be grabbed and hugged by Rosie's dad.

"Are you all right Mandy?"

"Yes thanks" I smiled and leant on his shoulder. " I'm sorry to drag you out this time of night"

"I would have been cross if you hadn't" he grinned.

I laughed and hugged him as we headed to his car, I loved Rosie's parents they were great and her dad had me laughing all the way home, he dropped me at the door and I kissed his cheek and hugged him again.

Waving goodbye I headed to my door, foraging for my keys in my clutch bag.

"Mandy, are you mad" came a voice from the shadows, making me jump and scream.

" How dare you run away like that and embarrass me"

"Look you! I said turning on him, you're the one that dragged me there, now I've agreed to go to America and sort this shit out with your lawyer, so please leave me alone and stop ruining my life, let's agree that we stay away from each other until Saturday, then we can sort this out and after that we don't have to see each other ever again"

He lowered his head, then stiffened, lifting his head the arrogance was back.

"I'll pick you up Saturday morning, make sure your ready " And with that he turned and left.

I breathed a sigh of relief, what is it with this guy, why won't he leave me alone, I've agreed to go to America to sort it, so why isn't he happy with that.

So many thoughts were going through my head about Mr Jerkson.

Opening the door and entering the reception quietly, I then made sure it was locked as all the guests had keys anyway, then I went down the hallway to my annex, unlocked, entered and relocked my door before being greeted by Bonnie.

I picked her up and hugged her as her tail wagged furiously from the attention she was getting.

"Oh Bonnie" I moaned " I'm gonna miss you , while I'm away, but it won't be long I promise, then we can get back to our normal routine, right Bonz"

She licked my face and I smiled.

Bonnie was all I needed in my life and I wanted to be with her and my friends.

But first I had to get Hollywood and the asshole out the way.

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