So We Meet Again

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Mandy's POV

Our walk around the lake today was a sombre affair, Bonnie was still her usual self, inquisitive and full of vitality, but I felt a little bit hollow, with Jasper on his way to Scotland and his father in hospital having an operation.

Gavin and Lisa my ever Faithful bodyguards trailed a short distance behind me and I had to smile to myself, they certainly didn't give the impression of being a loving couple they looked awkward and uncomfortable, whilst trying to look inconspicuous.

I stopped and waved them forward, they hurried to my side surveying the area.

"Are you all right Miss" Lisa asked anxiously.

"Oh for crying out loud" I groaned waving my arms in exasperation.

" Look guys your not making it as a loving couple and I'm lonely up here on my own, so you may as well walk with me and I can tell you all about Blenheim"

They visibly sighed with relief and stared at me.

"Alright give me a break, I'm not use to having bodyguards and you following behind is freaking me out and besides the names Mandy, not Miss or Miss Clayton"

I was on a roll now.

"It makes me sound important and I'm not, so please can I call you Lisa and Gavin and you call me Mandy? Plus can you walk with me not behind me, I feel like the pied piper"

"So your calling us" then in an appalling Humphrey Bogart voice Gavin added "You dirty rats"

"Wow! A bodyguard with a sense of humour, you need to teach Garrett, see if he can smile"

This made Lisa giggle, while Gavin tried to pull off a seriously shocked look on his face.

"Hey Mandy that's my boss your insulting, I'll have you know"

"Oh pardon me kind sir, I did not mean to cause offence" I tried in a timid maids voice.

The banter was just what I needed to take my mind of everything that was going on in my life, we laughed, joked and teased and as we walked I discovered that Lisa and Gavin did have a thing for each other.

But hadn't got serious as they were as inexperienced in relationships as I was, hence the reason they seemed awkward with each other as they were not sure how to proceed while they were working.

"Hey guys you don't need to hide it for my sake, just no heavy make out sessions in the tea shop okay"

"Eww, gross" squealed Lisa.

We continued our walk and I regaled them with stories and myths of Blenheim Palace and the park.

We ate breakfast in the kitchen with Rosie and Dawn and then set about our daily duties.

Finishing up the paperwork in my pokey little office, just as Rosie stuck her head in and announced dinner was ready.

After a nice lasagna and strawberry gateau the girls bade their farewells and departed, leaving Gavin, Lisa and myself sitting in the lounge watching TV with a few of the film crew.

As the evening wore on the crew departed in groups probably making for the pub's, until it was just the three of us left.

As it reached ten fifteen I started to yawn and decided to make my way to bed, wishing my two bodyguards sweet dreams I left them on the sofa.

Turning the light on in my small hallway I was greeted by Bonnie as was the routine I let her in the garden, where she checked for stray cats or squirrels, before doing her business and wandering back in, while I made sure we were locked in tight before heading to the bathroom, Bonnie then had one final drink of water and headed to her basket.

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