The Last Of You

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Mandy's POV

As my brain at last registered some of what happened I looked up in to a pair of concerned eyes.

"Garrett" I yelled as I scrambled against the wall pulling myself up and flinging myself at him.

He winced as my arms wrapped around him, quickly I pulled back and exclaimed.

"My god your hurt" as I saw him cradling his other arm where a large red stain was getting bigger.

"Quick I'll phone for an ambulance" and I turned towards the lounge to grab my phone.

Then a very familiar voice spoke.

"No need they're here"

I turned as two police officers rushed in past Jasper standing in my doorway.

I ran into his open arms and broke down, as he held me tight and whispered comforting words in my ear.

After I had cried all my tears and my senses returned to semi normal, I tried to figure out what had happened, Garrett who had point blank refused to go to the hospital, was receiving attention at my small kitchen table, enlightened me.

Apparently Garrett had asked Jasper if he could stay as he had a feeling something wasn't quite right and Jasper trusted Garretts sixth sense, he had switched his phone back on and rung the hospital his father was in, if it hadn't been for Garrett's insistence it didn't feel right, he wouldn't have phoned, just flown straight there.

He spoke to his mother who informed him it wasn't nearly as bad as first suspected and his leg was set and his other wounds turned out to be superficial, but what convinced, them to return quickly to me was when his mother thanked him for the flowers and how unusual to have two twisted together.

Garrett then went on to explain, how he came in the front door and found Bonnie in reception who yapped at him, ran down the hallway to my front door, only to return and yap at him again and repeat until he followed her, where she was scratching away at the carpet by the door.

Then hearing voices and by their tone knew something was wrong, he'd barged the door open and as he steadied himself saw the blade heading for my heart, so he stuck his arm out and took the blade in his arm instead of its intended target, hence the blood.

And before anyone else could react he punched Trish in the face breaking her nose and laying her out cold.

"Where are Gavin and Lisa" as I suddenly remembered them.

"Trish drugged their coffee, they are sleeping like babies on the sofa" chuckled Garrett, he obviously knew they had a thing for each other as well.

After all the patching up and paperwork, plus officers traipsing all over my annex taken photos and all other kinds of police work, they had finally left and I could survey the devastation that was my annex.

Having been reunited with Bonnie who was now cradled in my arms. I had thanked Garrett again for saving my life and he told me the promise he had made Jasper, that he wouldn't let anything happen to me and he actually apologised to me for being late.

I told him not to be stupid, he saved me and that was all that mattered as far as I was concerned.

Jasper had emergency carpenters out to fit a new door, again I had to shut Garrett up as he apologised for breaking it down.

Gavin and Lisa woke to all the commotion and after getting the full story, were teased mercilessly over falling asleep on the job, both means of on the job were insinuated.

Trish had been treated and dragged screaming away by two burly policemen, she had totally gone over the edge now, screaming, struggling, spitting, dribbling, even crying.

It turned out, as we found out later that Trish had followed the Jacksons to Scotland, bought and arranged the flowers so Jasper would know who sent them, caused Mr Jackson's injury and whilst driving back rang and got the flowers delivered to the hospital, then she headed straight to me, that had to have taken some doing.

She had been clocked doing 140 mph down the motorways and had evaded all police efforts to stop her.

"Well" I yawned and put Bonnie down "it's five thirty in the morning, anyone for a coffee I could surely murder one"

Everyone stopped and stared at me, then I remembered what I said, I blushed and gave a small smile.

"I mean I could drink a coffee" and hurried quickly into the kitchen.

By eight o'clock I was washed, dressed and ready for the day to begin, apart from the fact I was shattered, absolutely dead on my feet.

"Come on Bonz, let's go for our walk" Bonnie charged around with her normal over the top enthusiasm, as I readied myself and then pinned Bonnie down to put her harness on.

Walking out to reception, I heard his voice behind me.

"And where do you think your going"

Turning around I came face to face with four stern faces, Jasper, Garrett, Gavin and Lisa.

"Oh come on you guys, it's safe now Trish is locked up, so I don't need bodyguards any more do I?"

Then to my surprise Jasper said with a smirk on his face.

"Okay fine off you go then"

I glared at them suspiciously as I made my way to the main door and they were all smiling at me, weird.

As I opened the door I was inundated with questions and camera flashes.

Oh shit!, I'd forgotten about the press, with a loud shriek I shot back inside, to the four jerks laughing at me.

" Oh but I don't need a bodyguard" mimicked Jasper, causing more laughter.

Right two can play at this game, I walked over to Gavin and handed him Bonnie's lead and bending forward I whispered in his ear.

" If you and Lisa want to take Bonnie round the lake I won't tell about you both kissing"

Gavin looked at me in alarm, knowing the ribbing he would get.

He nodded and sighed whispered to Lisa who coloured up and the two of them left with Bonnie.

"See" I smirked "As I said I don't need bodyguards, just dog walkers" and with that I turned on my heels and headed to the kitchen for breakfast.

Jasper ran and caught me up.

"What did you say to them, to get them to agree"

"That would be telling Mr Jackson, besides I may want to use that bribe again.

"Okay Miss Clayton, I'm going up to Scotland to see my parents would you care to accompany me"

" I would love to go, but" I pulled a face and looked around. "I have a B and B to run and I've been neglecting it lately"

"Good that's settled then, Bonnie can come, Rosie and Dawn have already agreed to run the place while your away and by the time you come back the press will have gone"

"Got it all worked out, haven't you" I smiled.

"Yep" he said popping the 'p' "Now go and pack for you and Bonnie" as he smacked my butt and pushed me towards the annex.

"Yes Mr Jackson, right away Mr Jackson, anything else Mr Jackson" I said in a high sing song voice.

"Oh I forgot, one more thing, as Bonnie's out walking we have time I think" as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me bridal fashion down and into my annex.

The Billionaire And The B And BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora