The Dinner Shock

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Jasper's POV

As I climbed in next to Amanda and her subtle sweet scent filled the car, I turned to and noticed her staring out the window.

I tried making small talk but was answered with nods, shakes and one word answers.

I was begin to get quite angry.

"Look Amanda this date would be a lot more enjoyable if you spoke to me"

She spun around in her seat to look at me, her face red with controlled anger.

"Look Mr Jackson, let's get one thing clear this is not now or ever will be a date, this is business to sort out our mutual problem, why the hell you insisted on doing this at dinner rather than in my office I will never know and what the hell are we doing dining at Kidlington airport?"

' Oh boy ' I thought ' whatever was I thinking that this would be a good idea, obviously I wasn't going to win by being nice, but if I became all business then turning this into an enjoyable date for both of us was out '

"Well Miss Clayton the dinner is a little way away and it's quicker by helicopter, than by car"

"What!" She shrieked "I'm not going in one of those things"

"They are quite safe I can assure you"

"I don't care, I'm scared of heights and I'm not getting in that" she said pointing at the helicopter that was standing by for us.

"Well you have no choice my lawyer's waiting for us in London and we have to get there quickly before he flies back to the states "

I felt a small pang of guilt once I had calmed down as she was looking scared and lost.

"Okay" she said resigned to her fate, "Let's get this over with so I can get back home"

As she climbed out the car I walked over to hold her hand, she pulled her hand back quickly and hissed.

"Don't touch me" as she struggled aboard the helicopter.

I had never worked so hard for a date in my life and I could see I was no where near winning, plus I hadn't dropped the bombshell on her yet.

As she settled in her chair and the pilot strapped her in, she sat back and gripped the arm rests as though her life depended on it and screwed her eyes tight shut.

As we took off, she went white as a sheet and muttering to herself, screwed her eyes tighter shut.

I tried to hold her hand to calm her down but she yanked her hand away.

She was definitely hard work. As we made our way to London, the only noise was that of the helicopter and the pilot. Amanda sat still with her eyes tightly shut.

We landed at London city airport half an hour later and as soon as the pilot unstrapped her, she shot out the helicopter and behind some stacked boxes and I could here her being sick.

When she came back she was still as white as a sheet and visibly shaking with her arms folded across her chest.

As we made our way to the car and she still shunned my help, she growled.

"When this is done, I'm going home on the train" then she looked at me and added.

"On my own" before climbing into the car and snatching the door out of the drivers hand, slamming it shut making me go round the other side.

Again it was the silent treatment and staring out the window, she finally spoke when the car stopped and the driver opened her door.

"Where are we?"

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