We're Off

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Mandy's POV

We rode in silence for a while, which was broken by Jasper.

"You will note we are not going by helicopter today"
It sounded as though he had almost pouted when he said it.

'try please try' Rosie's words kept repeating in my head.

" Thank you I appreciate that" and I smiled a genuine smile, mainly because I wouldn't have to endure the humiliation of being sick again.

That opened the flood gates for a two way conversation, as Jasper relaxed and opened up.

"We will drive to Heathrow and take one of my private jets to Fort Lauderdale and we will stop at the Beverly Wiltshire hotel and return on Monday evening"

I smiled.

"That sounds great" though I was dreading it, I was so far out of my comfort zone, I didn't know where to begin.

Then he surprised me.

"Tell me about yourself Mandy, what do you want from life"

" I don't know, I haven't given it much thought" well I hadn't.

"I love my home and my job, my friends and Bonnie, I love Woodstock and quiz nights and sing alongs at the Crown, walking in the park.
So I suppose I just want to be a bit more successful in my business so I can continue to do all the above for ever"

"Um, what about, marriage and a family"

"Never considered it really, I love what I do and finding time for a relationship is not easy and finding a man to live with what I do and want, not going to happen, I'm to selfish to give up even a little of my life, so I suppose, I will end up as the crazy dog lady" I laughed.

I looked at Jasper to see him studying me intently, so much so I thought I must have something on my face, he studied me long and hard, making me feel uncomfortable and I blushed and put my head down.

"Don't" he commanded, then in a softer voice " Don't hide away, you are even more beautiful when you blush and I love to see it"

This only made me blush even more and lower my head further.

I felt his hand beneath my chin as he raised my head, I felt the warmth radiating from his hand into my body and awaking parts in me that had laid dormant for years.

"Please" he said as our eye's met.

I couldn't look away, I couldn't close my eye's I was paralysed, as he looked straight into me, the piercing gaze held me captive, then he slowly leant forward, I knew what he was about to do, I couldn't do anything to stop him and I didn't know if I wanted to.

My mind was in turmoil as he slowly closed the distance, then his lips were on mine, melding them to mine, he licked and nibbled my bottom lip, making me gasp and as I did so he slipped his tongue in.

I couldn't move or breath, it was lucky my body knew what to do, as I was lost.

When he broke the kiss, I felt as though he had abandoned me, a slight shiver went down my spine.

"What no slap this time" he smiled.

"Bastard" I gasped out as my breathing tried to return to normal.

"Absolutely" he said as he closed the distance again and just before his lips found mine again, he repeated.

"Abso fucking lutely"

Wow, I mean wow, talk about fireworks and stars in front of your eyes, if that means, the light headedness and unfocused vision, then yep it happened to me.

As he pulled away breaking the kiss for a second time, I was still frozen in the kiss position for a few seconds as my brain tried to process what happened.

Then I had one of those great mouth and brain malfunctions.

"Um why did you kiss me?"

He again locked eyes with me, to show how sincere his answer was going to be.

"Because I have wanted to kiss you again, ever since you slapped me for my first effort"

He smiled a bright genuine smile.

"Now I can cross that of my wish list, one down nine more to go"

"You have a wish list?"

"Involving you, oh yes, I have a list" and he stared at me and his eyes narrowed a bit and he licked his bottom lip.

If I had been wise to the ways of the world, I might have known what his look meant, but I wasn't, however I got the impression that he was looking at his next meal.

Then the talk became more serious.

"Mandy I have a proposal for you to consider, my company would like to hire your tea rooms for a week, to film some scenes for this movie.
It means you will have to close for a about two weeks and we will have to alter the room to look old world, but we restore it when we finish.
My company would be willing to finance the whole thing and we would pay you £25,000 in loss revenue"

He looked at me expectantly.

Twenty five thousand pounds was a heck of a lot of money, far more than I would make in two weeks, but I had my regulars, that I had fought to bring in and they were the back bone of my tea room, I couldn't let them down.

I remember the Women's Institute nearly left, when the decorator's over ran and I had to set them up in the reception area, to keep their business.

The film offer was a once in a life time offer, the old biddies were a life time thing.

"No I'm sorry but I couldn't do that, thanks for the offer but no"

"Your a hard business woman , would you consider it if I doubled the offer"

"My answer would still be the same, sorry but no"

There was a prolonged silence, until the chauffeur spoke.

"We are here Mr Jackson"

I looked out of my window to see that here meant, we were stopped near a fairly large plane that looked long and sleek.

It was a lot different from the cattle wagon I endured in my only other venture on a plane.

Approached the aircraft, Jasper took my hand as we ascended the steps to the plane and when we entered the through the door and my eyes settled on the interior, I felt my mouth open in shock.

This wasn't a plane, it was a penthouse on wheels, there were no rows upon rows of seats no narrow aisle to walk up and down, there were plush seats and posh tables and a large TV and a bar and I could go on and on.

But I was ushered to a large comfortable seat and told to buckle up as we were ready to take off, by a woman that looked like she had a day off from the cover of a fashion magazine.

"So" I whispered to myself "This is how the other half live, no queuing, no being crammed into a seat where you can't move, personal service, amazing what money can do"

I shook my head and gave a little chuckle under my breath, I was imagining what Rosie and Bella would say if they could see me now, this brought a little lump to my throat reminding myself of home.

Still I am going to make the most of this, Rosie's little pep talk replayed in my head,

"You're getting the chance of a life time, a look at how the rich and famous live, you can come home and brag to the world and it gives you something to tell your grandchildren"

I wish.

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