Family Reunion

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Jasper's POV

"Holkham Bay, where's that in Europe somewhere?"

"Oh yes" Rosie said in all seriousness, before turning to Mandy, where they both burst out laughing.

I got the distinct impression, I was the butt of a joke here.

"Okay so where is this place" I was getting slightly annoyed now.

Mandy suddenly became serious and slightly shy.

"Umm, it's Umm, in Norfolk actually "

"Hey Mandy "I softened my voice. "You don't have to stay in England you can go anywhere in the world"

"But I don't want to, Bonnie and I hire a caravan near Holkham Bay, where we go every year, we love long walks on the beach and paddling in the sea"

"And" perked up Rosie "She's not to far away when we need her"

I was amazed, here I was offering her the world and she didn't want it, but then again that's what I loved about my Mandy, strictly down to earth.

"Okay Holkham Bay it is then"

"In our caravan" added Mandy.

"Okay but I'm not sure my chef will like cooking in a caravan "

"You're not bringing a chef on holiday" Mandy spat out, then she saw my grin and realised I was teasing her.

"I hate you, you know that don't you, your a bastard"

Then all of us at the table shouted in unison.

"But I'm your bastard"
"But he's your bastard"

Then we all laughed.


Mandy's POV

The evening was a great success and a few hours later we staggered home with Jasper clutching my hand and boy didn't it mess with my insides and when he whispered in my ear his breath heightening my sexual feelings.

"I can't wait to get you in bed"

That was it I was now officially melting and I'm pretty sure it was me that quickened our steps.

Forcing my eyes to open and embrace a new day, I groaned as my inner thighs reminded me that I hadn't had much sleep, plenty of time in bed just not the sleep part.

As I moved stiffly towards the bathroom a husky voice announced from the bed.

"Going somewhere beautiful"

"Believe it or not I need a pee and a shower, before I start work"

I entered the bathroom and relieved myself before stripping off Jasper's t shirt I was wearing and plunging into the water warm of the shower.

Picking up the shower gel, I felt a cold draught before the bottle was removed from my hand.

"I'll be the one washing your body"

And before I could think up a reply, soapy hands were massaging my body, lingering longer on certain parts more than others.

Eventually I managed to escape the annex with Bonnie and headed to the park.

Returning from our walk, I left the Bonz and went into the tea room.

"Hey" greeted Dawn. "That man over there has been asking for you"

I turned to see a middle aged man with salt and pepper short hair a small paunch, but immaculately dressed in a dark grey business suit.

I frowned, I didn't know this man did I? though I had a nagging suspicion in the back of my mind that I had encountered him before, plus the hairs on my neck were standing up a sort of sixth sense that this man was trouble.

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