28.Give me Hearth

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I waited for this chapter so long,alright.

Sacrifice chapter ヽ('ー`)┌ *insert dramatic,epic music*

Ok,I decided to put this Ayato edit I made (not gonna brag 😏) bc ya will see why,it's important for Ayato :D

It was supposed to go together with Rei edit I made in chapter 'Give me Teeth' but I kinda decided to separate it and make a parallel ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Also,I waited long to put this song "Control" by Halsey my mom bc it's literally Rei song,and hey guys,one more chapter left,so ayyyy it's almost end lmao

Also,there will be last author note and I will do some special shit idk

Ok,I'm going now,and don't forget to comment and vote and stuff whatever



*Ayato's POV*

Many times in my life I saw human body teared apart.

I mean,I eat humans,I'm usually the one who fucking rip them in pieces.

But,this time...I felt so uneasy that I wanted to break something.

Because,right now,teared apart is the person who I love the most in this world,human,but also someone who means whole world to me.

And I felt like every cut on her body was cut on me.

It hurt me more than anything.

As I watched how Kanou transplanted destroyed organs,changing them with new ones,stench of blood filling the air,Kanou stitching and connecting destroyed meat and skin,I felt so off.

Every blood drop,every cut,every sound of machines that tracked some medical shit which I had no idea what means,made me want to scream,even I was silent.

And I caught myself thinking about past times,when everything was so right.

Those memories making canvas in my head full of blue and red.

When she was laughing in my arms as we watched some stupid TV show of hers about those zombies,and when she threw bone jokes on me because she noticed that I flinch every time someone mention "bones" because well...

That wasn't really something I'm proud on.

And then I remembered yesterday,when Rei tried to wake me up,on little harsh way,but at least she was there,right next to me,and I just made her leave with my stupid attitude,and I should've grabbed her and not let her go.

I miss her so much that it hurts me.

All those times I was so happy to have her and I didn't knew that.I mean,I was happy-I've never been so happy-but I never knew that all that can vanish right in front of my eyes.

More blood.

Well...I guess that is how this world truly is.

We can't be happy.

Because life is shit alright.

And this world...

Is so wrong.

"Mr. Ayato,this ghoul right here...",Kanou said,as he cut more flesh,more organs replacing."Isn't very strong.But she has special Rc cells.I usually use stronger ghouls but Aihara is strong as human anyway,she will know how to use those Rc cells in right way...Also..."

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