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"Fuckfuckfuckfuck I didn't even eat,dammit!",I cursed as I runned on top of building,few blocks away from my school.

I don't have time to wait on traffic lights or other shit.

This is the fastest way.

And most fun,scary way because I was actually afraid of heights, but if course I'm never gonna admit that to anyone

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

And most fun,scary way because I was actually afraid of heights, but if course I'm never gonna admit that to anyone.

I will always do my best to look fearless in eyes of the world.

Even if I'm afraid.

Fear is not excuse for weakness.

I looked down at necklace Ayato tossed at me before I left.

Black rabbit.


"Ayato,I'm in fucking hurry!I don't have time for cuddling and shits!",I shouted,as I put my black booths on.

"Shut the fuck up and look up here.",he said growling,annoyed,as I removed hair that was falling over my eyes just to see black rabbit necklace that was hanging on his finger,while he glared at me,irritated by my snapping.

"Whoa.She's beautiful!",I said excited,getting up so he can put her on my neck.His expression changed,as he looked at me,smiling."So,you giving this to everyone when they join fangirling club of Ayato Kirishima,huh?",I teased him as he clicked with his tongue.

"Haha,very funny,brat.",Ayato turned me by my shoulders,looking at my neck,satisfied.I blushed under his gaze,but he didn't seem to notice."So,you like it?"

"Are you kidding me?It's amazing!",I said,caressing her as Ayato put out something from his pocket."You stole it,didn't ya?",I lifted my eyebrow.

He just smirked,proud of his succeed mission.

"Yeaaah,'bout that...I got free meal too.",I rolled my eyes,feeling sorry for poor humans that got in Ayato's way.

"I will be blind on that fact just because of this cute action.",I smiled,feeling totally relaxed by fact that Ayato killed somebody.

I dunno.I just feel like killing is normal act.

Maybe that was just because I killed couple of times.

"I wanted to gave you that yesterday but...Shits happened so...There you go.",he added,nervously putting hand behind his neck.It's just adorable to see how he's actually nervous about this kind of things.So cute."I got one too,see?"

I saw flying crow necklace in his hand,and he quickly put her back in his pocket."So,we are Crow and Black Rabbit,dream-team of Tokyo.",I added,lifting my fist up as he rolled his eyes,bro-fisting me.

"Now it's official.",he said,as I hugged him tightly,laughing.

He seemed to be pretty surprised by my reaction.

Unravel |Ayato Kirishima Tokyo Ghoul:re|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن