Message from Hell

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IM SORRY GUYS FOR NOT UPDATINGSoon it's end of school and I have no time to breathe,not to mention writting

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Soon it's end of school and I have no time to breathe,not to mention writting.

I started writting new chapter but since my chapters are long I still need to think about some small details,conversations and shits and I need a free time.\(;'□`)/

And a life

So I just thought that I need to tell you that so you wouldn't think that I left this trash unfinished

I still need to break your hearts bruh

So guys,I'm hoping that I'll update soon and I need to say that number of reads is more than I expected and I'm so glad that you read this and I wanted to say thanks.I never expected more that like 7 reads and 2 votes xD

*internal screaming*

Btw,I did this drawing since chapter will be late,I had so much trouble with drawing Spider Lilies ugh

And Rei's hair was suppose to be brown but photo editor fucked it up

I'm so great at photoshop I know

So see ya soon guys,and thanks again 💕

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