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"I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU YOU CRAZY BITCH!",I ran intro her,preparing my fist to slam on her jaw.

I felt so bitterly and hurt because she opened my almost cured wound.Like she painfully ripped of stitches on my heart that Ayato created.

Leaving only agony and rage to consume me,like wave of darkness that made me blind.

Blind to see,feel,and care.

I catch her grin as I felt enormous pain when my fist slammed into wall instead of her face.

"...Shit.",I cursed,growling through my teeth,as my knuckles started to bleed.


I won't be...


"Oh,my bad.",she said,as I saw her kagune spreads from her back.Black wings looked sharp and quite similar to Ayato's kagune.


"Hah,so you belong to 'pissed of bird people'.",I said as I grabbed my quinque knife from jacket.The orange light shines up my face as I bravely stared at ghoul straight in her Kakugan eyes.



"How did you call me,little kid?",she growled as she threw sharp bullets straight at me.I quickly jumped behind garbage can,feeling tremor of it as bullets hit in metal.

"YOU HEARD ME OLD BITCH!",I shouted as I saw shadow covering me.I lifted my head up just to see black wings that almost hit me.They would,but I jumped in corner of alley,holding my knife close.

Meanwhile,I quickly made a cut on her wing while I blocked it to not cut my fucking head off.

Thanks to Ayato,I best fight against Ukaku types of ghouls.

"Pretty fast...",she said."...But not fast enough!",she runned into me,and I jumped over her.She grab my left leg while I was still in air and I kicked her straight in face with my right leg,causing my elbow to hurt like hell.

I didn't care.

Pain was my fuel.

With one scream,she let go my leg and I land in squat,holding my knife in defense position.

"You said something?",I asked with innocent kid-like voice,as she grins.

"Yeah,actualy,I said how your parents were very taste.Especially your unborn brother.He didn't even start to breathe when I teared his little bo-"

"How dare you...",I cried out,feeling rage growing bigger inside.It hurts me like hell.Like big claw that ripped of me inside.But I will turn pain in power.I will break her."YOU MONSTER!",I screamed my lungs out when I run into her.Adrenaline spread through my body,fire replacing my blood,black dots narrowing my vision.Rage was my gasoline.And fire was fueling my body,suppressing my sanity.

I wanted to kill her.

I needed it.





"Nice.",she said as she jumped behind me.I saw her with peripheral vision and bent down so she missed my face and kicked wall.I stabbed her in stomach in millisecond,and she screams,throwing me away.

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