Hellooo from the other siiide *punchs Adele*

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*cough,cough* Heyy guys :D I gotta news

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*cough,cough* Heyy guys :D I gotta news.

Tomorrow I'm going on stupid trip with my shitty school and maybe I won't have internet there so I don't know when will I update :c

Please don't murder me!

As an excuse,I made this fan art because I was bored and I wanted to do at least this since chapter might be late ╮(╯▽╰)╭


*Adele starts to sing again and then she got kicked in ass* You must be blind if you would miss her ass xD

Anyway,since you read my words and everything,I would really like if we could have better comunication or something,even I'm shit at starting a conversations and this autor notes are killing me xD But I would be really happy if you could comment what you like in my book or not,or talk with me about random shits I dunno...

Example:What gender you think that little ass-kicker will be? :P

Just for you to know that I don't bite :D

We are closing to 1000 reads and I'm like already screaming like OHMAHGAAAWD SOMEBODY ACTUALY READS MY BOOK LORD TAKE ME I'M READY


Let's pretend that this didn't happened...





You saw my dark side. (May the force be with you)

So,I would appreciate if you would comment and vote so this trash (which I love because I love trash *points at Ayato*) could be more popular because I don't sleep at night so I could update recently xD

So,I'm sorry not sorry if this is kinda long,you see by my chapters that I can't write short things somehow :D

See you soon guys when I come back,and be nice readers and comment and vote if you like my work ^^

And listen to this fucking song up god dammit if this isn't perfect song for Ayato than I don't know what is

And listen to this fucking song up god dammit if this isn't perfect song for Ayato than I don't know what is

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Here's dirty fan art of Rei and Ayato I made but okay...Imma leave now *runs away and curses because of huuuge ovaries explosion*


ON 7TH APRIL WAS MY BDAY AND I GOT THIS AWESOME TATTOO MACHINE I mean look at her,she even got small skull ^^

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ON 7TH APRIL WAS MY BDAY AND I GOT THIS AWESOME TATTOO MACHINE I mean look at her,she even got small skull ^^

ON 7TH APRIL WAS MY BDAY AND I GOT THIS AWESOME TATTOO MACHINE I mean look at her,she even got small skull ^^

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Anyway,see you soon guys and I luv ya all ❤

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