Chapter 21

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Chandler's POV

As I pulled into the hospital parking lot, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking.

I took a deep breath and walked into the big white building.

The building's air conditioning was wafted in my face as soon as I walked in and I pulled my jacket tighter around me.

I walked up to the receptionist, who was obviously not in a good mood.

"What?" she said grumpily.

Even though I was mentally cracking my knuckles, I put on a smile and said, "Hi. I'm here to see Katelyn Nacon."

"Are you family?" she asked, her voice changing from grumpy to obnoxiously polite.

"I'm her boyfriend," I answered, gritting my teeth.

"Sorry, I can't let you in unless you're family," she said, fake smiling.

"It's okay, Ruth," I heard a voice say.

We turned our heads to see Katelyn's parents. Mark and Natalie Nacon. Mark's arms were wrapped around Natalie and both of their eyes were red and puffy from crying.

I sighed and walked towards them. They wrapped me up in a hug that seemed to last forever. During that lifetime, a few tears slid down my face.

When we pulled away, I wiped my tears and asked, "How is she?"

Natalie put her hand on my back and led me down a hallway before locking her hand in mine.

"They say she's in critical condition," Mark explained. "They don't know if she's gonna make it."

My grip tightened on Natalie's hand though I tried to stay calm for her.

We stopped in front of a door.

Mark opened it and we walked in.

And there she was, lying on a bed with a million machines hooked up to her.

I sharply inhaled and I felt Mark put his hands on my shoulders.

"I'll give you some time with her," he whispered and they exited the room.

I slowly walked up to the bed and sat in the chair next to it.

I reached forward and grabbed her hand, which was a little but of a struggle since she had a clamp on her pointer finger.

After a few moments of silence, I took my phone out of my pocket and clicked on my 4th speed dial.

"Hello?" I heard after 5 rings.

"Gray?" I clarified, trying to keep my voice under control.

Grayson Riggs, my younger (by 3 years), 21 year old brother was always the first one I called whenever there was a crisis.

"Chandler?" he said, a little nervous at my tone.

"Are you with mom and dad?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered, dragging out the word. "Why?"

"Didn't you see on the news?" I asked, confused. My family were the type of people to watch the news while they are dinner. "Katelyn's been shot, you have to get over to the hospital!"

"What?!" he exclaimed. "How?!"

"I'll tell you when you get here!" I shot back. "Just get over here!"

"Yeah...okay," he answered and hung up.

I sighed and locked my phone, putting it back in my pocket.

I clasped Katelyn's hand between the two of mine.

As I listened to her rhythmic breathing pattern, it eventually lulled me to sleep.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Yes, I know, I need to update this story more often and I'm trying, I promise!

Was I the only one that felt like I was being transported back to Protector while reading this (back when Enid got shot)? Because I totally felt like I was. Maybe that's just me.

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