Ethan span the bottle, again with us all observing. it landed on simon.

"truth or dare si?" ethan took a sip of his beer.

"dare" simon smirked being cocky.

"sit on josh's lap for the rest of the game."

i scoffed at the sudden dare. i didn't expect it. 

"fine" simon said sitting on my lap. his bum filling the space created when you cross your legs. i put my left arm around his waist so he wouldn't fall backwards. he looked down at me and laughed quietly. i stared back up at him laughing when all of a sudden we saw a flash. simon and I both jolted our heads to look up, we saw a little vikk taking a picture with the rest of the sidemen laughing. "oi" simon said laughing.

"you two look really cute in this picture." he turned the phone around showing the picture the picture that was just taken. to be honest...  we did look really cute, we looked like a couple. the way he was looking at me and smiling, while i was supporting him up and holding him close. we did look cute. i saw simon turn to face me chuckling cutely, i turned to face him once again, laughing with him.

"next dare, your turn to spin harry"

harry spun the bottle landing on the small vikk to the right of tobi, who was next to harry. 

"truth" he spoke up

"if you had to get with anyone in the circle who would you get with?" harry asked pretty quickly. 

vikk, after a short thinking time finally answered. "you" he spoke quietly facing harry.

"me?" he exclaimed.

"yeah" vikk went shy and tried to make himself small by raising his shoulders and looking away from harry.

"aww bless thats cute" harry smiled out.

"really?" vikk seemed much happier after harry said that. his voice went higher and softer.


"tobi it's your turn to spin." 

tobi span the bottle but all i could focus on was simon moving slightly on my lap. "what are you doing si" i whispered into his ear so none of the others would hear, they were distracted with the game anyway.

"I know you like it  joshy" he was pretty much grinding on me. i let out a breathily moan. 

"simon not now" i was trying not to moan. he stopped and i let out a sigh of relief. why did he do that?

"vikk your go!" jj shouted, I must have missed tobi's turn with the whole simon scenario. 

i saw the dreaded sign of the bottle top facing me.

"who does it go to though?" i questioned. it was a fair question to be fair as there was 2 of us in one space.

"doesn't matter for this one, it involves both of you" i looked up to simon confused as to what it would be. "7 minutes in heaven, go" vikk pointed to the cupboard under the stairs. i gulped and turned my head back to simon, who was already getting up. i got up and straightened out my top, following simon into the cupboard. it was a small cupboard so we had to cram ourselves in there.

"why don't I just sit on your lap again, there clearly isn't enough room in here for the both of  us" simon slurred. it was awkward when he sat on my lap but he was right, there really is not enough for both of us to sit in there. 

"er yeah sure come on then." after a while of shuffling around we were back to our previous position before we came in here, although this time his arms were looped around my neck and my hands were linked around his waist. "soon.."

"soooo." it was pretty awkward. "is there anything you want to do?" simon questioned.

"i have kinda wanted to do things with boys to se if i am straight but i don't know if you want to do anything." i looked away from him but soon i was confronted by the strong smell of alcohol from his breath. he had turned my head to face him. 

"what about if we just kiss" he was so clearly drunk. the way he spoke and his mannerisms were slower than usual, he was out of character. i saw him slowly lean in hesitantly. i leaned in until we mutually met in the middle. i kept my eyes open at first as i was in shock but is lowly melted into it. his lips were so soft and kissable. there was just a whole new wave of emotions and feelings roam my body. did i like boys?

Words: 1323

Published: 16/07/16


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