Chapter 12

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Sitting here at the table isn’t as awkward as I thought it would be. Sean seemed to be a nice bloke. But Tatiana is killing my life.

I’m sitting next to Sarah as she talks about how they met and I can tell by the way Nate is stirring his food around he doesn’t want to be here. No wonder why he always eats in his room. If I was him, I would too. Can’t blame him. Nate is sitting across from me with Tatiana close by his side. I just can’t stop chuckling at how Nate had pushed Slutiana away from him and the amount of times she nearly fell off her chair because Nate keeps moving his chair away from her, but she just keeps moving closer. There was this one time she nearly stacked it and fell on her ass.

Dinner would never get boring at this house.

“So, Ella, I heard you vomited on my daughter’s shoes.” Mine and Nate’s head snapped to Sean who was eating his pasta casually.

How does he know I vomited on Tatiana’s shoes? “Wait, what did you just say? Daughter?” I turn my head towards Nate then back at Sean.

“Yeah, Tatiana here-” He points his fork at the slut, “-Is my daughter. Didn’t you know that? I assumed Nate would have introduced her to you by now.”

Oh, now I feel so embarrassed for thinking Nate and Tatiana were going out. But I’m sure if a stranger saw them at the shops that day; they would have assumed they were going out as well. I wouldn’t be the only one. I turn towards Nate with an innocent smile to show him I’m sorry for not listening to him. He smiles back with his cute smile, which is one of the reasons why I like this guy. But he clearly doesn’t know what.

“He must’ve told me when I was drunk last night. I must’ve forgotten.” I smile at Sean and take a forkful of spaghetti before turning to Tatiana, “Sorry for puking on your shows, Tattie.” I apologise to her in the sweetest, sarcastic way I can. She just replies with a bitchy smile.

Sean steps into the conversation, “Tatiana, at least say it’s okay. Don’t be so rude to Ella.”

“It’s okay, El-lah.” The bitch says.

After 15 minutes of talking about school and how my parents are, I’m full. I lift my bowl and plates and am about to stand up when Sarah stops me in my tracks.

“Oh sweetie, you don’t have to. You’re the guest here; you shouldn’t be collecting the dishes.” She grabs the plates from my hand, “Tatiana, can you please take these to the sink?” She hands them to Tatiana instead. She lets go of Nate’s arm and marches her way to the kitchen.

Sometimes I wonder why she tries to be with Nate, when clearly you can’t because you’re basically siblings now. But they aren’t technically blood related so… they are allowed to date, right? Stop, just stop Ella.

Nate strides towards me.

“Don’t tell me, you’re grounded because of Tatiana.” Nate nods.

“Yep, she came home before me saying I didn’t look after her properly since you ended up puking on her shoes. She started blabbing bullshit to my mum and Sean that they eventually grounded me.” He just shrugs.

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