Caps Gowns and a Little Love.

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The Graduation Speech!

Teachers, parents, graduating class of 2013; I just have one thing to say...We made it. Through the waking up at six o'clock in the morning, to the forgetting projects and assignments, we made it. Now I'm not gonna stay to long telling you the 'We can do this' speech or the 'We made it' speech, I'm gonna just go on and jump to the reality speech.

I'm not gonna stand here and predict your futures; no, no, that's for you to go out and create and find. Now, some of us will achieve great thing, as a matter a fact, we can all achieve that; some of us will keep cheering on the underdog because guess what? We see ourselves in them, and then some of us just be and that's just the truth.

Dreams, were gonna have a lot of these. Scientists, astronauts, unicorns; yes people I said unicorn. With these dreams will come mistakes, tons of them so moms and dads it may require for you to spend a few thousand dollars to bail us out jail but don't worry my fellow classmates, that's just life.

Now teachers, let's get right to it because I have a lot to get off my chest. 'You guys are absolutely terrible' seriously. All the homework, pop quizzes, tests, projects, never ending detentions and demerits; you guys really did the worst but hey I and behalf of my classmates, we have to say Thank You; you guys were the greatest, beside our disrespect, silent- hatred, and out constantly giving you were and still are the greatest.

To conclude, many of us will go home tonight drunk with the warm heart that we kicked this hell hole to the curb and trust an believe I will be one of them but we will also leave with a sense of greatness and family and teachers, we have you to thank not forgetting Google Chrome, Fire Fox, Wikipedia and our everlasting thanks to the awesome person who invented copy and paste so once again thank you and here's to us
'The Graduating Class of We Made It'.


Ariana's P.O.V

The crowd cheered loudly as the valedictorian let the podium; this girl deserve a standing ovation, the Graduation speech was the shit.

The graduation was set on the school's football field; chairs covered the large field where family, friends, random spectators occupied as well as the graduating class. The stage was large, covered in prizes, trophies and all that good stuff. It was decorated in the schools color's pink and grey.

"Xane Als" the speaker called as we all applauded for the graduants who waltz on stage to collect their diplomas and of course Trish was cheering extra loudly.

"Christian Rivers" the speaker later down called and I have yet in my life to see so many ratchets throwing themselves at something they will never get, putting aside the fact that they weren't only looking and clapping at something that belong to me I screamed my lungs out for my boo and giggled a bit as Tristan clapped hysterically seeing Christian on the stage, he was the cutest thing. Only a guy named Christian Rivers can rock a cap and gown so well...

"Will the graduating class please stand" I watched as over 200 students stand "Removing your tassels from the lets side of your cap, please place them to the right" the speaker finished.

"Family, friends, spectators, I present to you the graduating class of 2013" the cheers of people screaming, howling whistling, crying in joy brightened the atmosphere.

Pink and gray hats flew up in the air as the sheers got louder.

'Let's give it up for the class of we made it' .


"Cole, where are you taking me?" I asked a bit one edge.

Today was his day and he was bent on doing me favors; I felt like one selfish bish...but lucky in a way.

...The Cemetery.

"Cole, I say this because I care dearly and I'm thinking of your mental stability, now why are we at a grave yard"? I asked in wonder and fear.

As he parked at the side of the road, he walked over to my side and we walked silently to the gates before he spoke.

"I want you to meet my mom."

His hand held mine as he guided me along the grave to a big oak tree where a grave graced where a patch of small daisies laid.

"Hey mom" his voice croaked and his hand immediately tightened around mine.

"It's me, it's Chris." He continued "Um, I just graduated, I know right...who knew" he spoke."Tristan is okay, he's happy; he turns eight next week...uhhh... this is Ariana, she's really pretty, she beautiful. She had long brown hair, perfect hazel eyes and she has the greatest heart...she's perfect, you would love her, I sure do" he finished with unshed tears.

He love's me... Nahhhhh!

"Mom....I miss you so much, so much, I know you're in a better place though, I know you're happy...I love you."

He stood from his mom's grave to look at me, I wanted to hug him and tell him that this will be okay but I realized that I can't always be strong for him, especially not in a situation like this; he needed to be strong for himself.

"Cole, I -"

-Listen to song-

"No, wait" he cut me off "Kitten, do you remember when you asked me about someone named Lea" he asked.

What was he up to, and don't tell me he wasn't up to something because he was all tense; him draining the blood from my fingers made that sure.


"Kit, I've been trying to figure out something; I've been trying to find a way to tell you and I really don't even know here to begin so I'm gonna start here "he stated.

"Lea was my girlfriend, we met a few years back and it's easy to say I fell in love with her, I already told you about my life and so it wasn't impossible for me to say I wasn't expecting to fall for someone much less fall in love with someone but I did and to this day I'm not sorry I did but I loss her; she died" he stopped for a moment, his breathing sped up, his eyes closed tight as his grip on wrist tightened even more. "When she died, so did my love for anything, that doesn't include Tristan because Tristan was my life and to this day still is, but I didn't want love...I didn't care for it, the love I had with her was something I didn't know so I reveled in it so when I lost her, I lost part of me and since then that's how it's been, but I met you" he sighed.

"Do you know that every time I had to let you go its hurt a million time more, it hurt so much that I just wanted to run back to you, but I didn't want to be selfish. I didn't think I deserved you, or your love; you deserved better. Yes, I think more than anything that I deserve nothing less than great, but it's you, you deserve the best".

How was I suppose to feel with him feeling unworthy of my love; if he thinks I deserve the best the he should know he deserves the greatest and nothing less.

"Kit, I didn't expect to find a love that again and here you are; hazel eyes that dare me to try something, smile leaving me wondering if I'm the reason for it, a heart making me wonder how you could ever care or love someone like me, just you making me wonder how I could find a love to make me weak in the knees, make my heart race just when you look at me with those eyes. Ariana, the love I had with her was a beautiful one, one I didn't think I could find again but I was wrong; I found yours, beautiful, painful and electrifying all at the same time. You're wondering what I'm getting at aren't you" he asked. But I was lost for words, I was trying to find words and sir at the same time which wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do, his word were causing my toes to curl and my heart rate to speed up, all I needed was a slow song and I would be all on his ass right now.

He stepped closer to me to we were just a breath away from each other.

"I love you" he whispered.

So I was going to be selfish right now, I was going to have my cake and eat it too.

"Oh Christian Rivers" I muttered before I gave him his answer; every kiss with Christian is the same, you have the toe curling ones, the dangerous ones, the I- wasn't you ones, the I miss you ones, the simple ones, the romantic, sexy, classic Christian ones; but this one was my favorite, and my new one to add to the list; the I love you ones.

"I love you right back Christian Rivers" I spoke ending the kiss.

His arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me into his body.

"You do know your never getting rid of me kitten" he whispered against my ear and I could help the giggle that left my lips.

"Sadly" I said in a way I knew would get a pout out of him. This idiot.

"Why do you still have on your cap" I asked just noticing he did.

"I was waiting for this moment" he said.

"Just throw up the damn cap" I spoke going in for them lips.


Are you ready for the final chapter?????

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