As I headed towards the school cafeteria where the cupcakes were being held in the fridge, (Britney had the freshman cooking class make the cupcakes for her earlier today.) Britney came up to me. She was carrying a bunch of red and pink sparkly streamers. "Hey, Kait. Last minute notice, but you have a partner helping you out with the cupcakes, is that alright with you?"

"Well of course it is, the more help I have, the faster we can get done."

She gave me a bright smile. "That's the spirit. Alright, you're partner will meet up with you in the caf in a few. Kay?"

I nodded and looked at the bundel of streamers that she held. "Hey, do you need any help with that?"

She gave me another brilliant smile as she adjusted the streamers that lay across her folded arms. "No, I've got it. My dad always said that accepting help from people, showed that you were weak, and in my family, we never show weakness."

I just smiled at her, not exactly sure on what to say to that. Well, that was Britney for you, knowing that her family thinks like that explains a lot actually.

Once I was in the kitchen, I pulled out the trays of cupcakes from out of the fridge. There must have been about fifty cupcakes or so. I stared at the trays, willing them to disappear, then I sighed and grabbed a piping bag full of chocolate frosting.

As I finished frosting the first row of vanilla cupcakes, I heard someone come in behind me.

"Hello there, partner. I'm here at your service."

I turned to find Liam standing a little closer than I had expected and I ended up bumping straight into him, and then almost falling over.

"Oh, Liam, hey." I said, once I regained my balance.

He chuckled and leaned against the counter. "Hey,"

"So you're my partner?" I asked as I started frosting a new row of cupcakes. I tried not to let the excitement that I was feeling leak into my voice. I haven't seen Liam since our cabin trip. I tried to fight the urge to hug him.

You can't like him, remember Kait? You do not want to hurt Natalie. It doesn't matter how good he looks in that dark v-neck shirt that shows of his oh-so-fabulous muscles, it doesn't matter how perfect he is with that glowing tan, that heart breaking smile, or those milk chocolate brown eyes that can make you melt with just one glance. Get over him, NOW!

I sighed, I know, I know. I thought, to the annoying side of my brain. Just shut up.

Well, great. I'm talking to myself now.

"Yup, so what do you need me to do?" He said pulling me out of my internal argument.

"Oh, uh, I need you to add the red heart sprinkles onto the cupcakes that I frost. Kay?"

Liam nodded. "Will do."

As Liam grabbed a bag of sprinkles and started gently pouring them over the frosted cupcakes, I turned to him. "So, why are you here?"

Without looking up he answered, "I volunteered, of course."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Come on Liam, you and I both know that you don't volunteer."

Liam turned to me and gave me a mock-hurt look. "Oh what? You think that I can't do something good once in a while?" He put a hand to his heart. "Ouch, Kaitlyn. That really hurts."

I laughed. "No it's just that-"

"I know, I know. You're right Kaitlyn, I don't volunteer, like ever. But, Principal Walsh found out about me spray painting North Valley's locker room. He wanted to suspend me and my dad got real pissed and said he couldn't let this be on my record, it would make him look bad or whatever. So, Walsh and Dad worked out an agreement and now, I'm getting my punishment by helping with Student Council."

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