[ENG] Is there light for someone like me?

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Prologe: So wrong i was, thinking that you would forgive me. Forgive me so easy for what i did tell you. You, who were a caring person. A person i could trust and tell anything to. Anything that may have bothered me. Me who wanted you near because i am so week. So week, i feel so week now. Now that you have left. Left and never said another word to me again.
Again I stare out the window, thinking the thaugt that have crossed my mind countless times. Times when im alone. Alone, yes i am. I am in pieces because when you left me, you took a part of me with you. With you, all my hope went. Went away. Away, as i watched. Watched when i saw you walking away from me. From me who you left laying on the floor. On the floor, crying. Crying myself to sleep. To sleep i went. I went away. Away, as the pain you left me with dissaperd. Dissaperd, leving me to wake up. Wake up empty. Empty and hopeless.

Story begins:
When she was walking on the streets and thinking. Thinking of what she had done to him. Him, he was so diffrent. Diffrent, in a good way, diffrent in so many ways. Ways she couldnt even have imagined.
Imagination was something she diddent have now. Now when she was walking in the dark strets of Norva. Norva was a city with many small streets. Streets that went all over the place, there were no plan for how they were built. Built a long time ago when the city were just a little village. The village diddnt have many inhabitants. But the Inhabitants a long time ago, they were diffrent.
Just like him. Him that she knew. She knew him, he was no longer the person she loved. Loved, she loved him, she acknowledged to herself. Acknowledged as she stopped her pace and looked upp. Upp, first at her cold hands and then up at the sky. The sky was crying, or raining. Raining, just as much as she wanted to cry. Cry, she haddnt cried for a long time, not for years. For years she had told herself that crying was for the week. The week, she widend her eyes as she realised that she was a part of them. Them, she hated them and to flee the one she had become, she started her pace again. Again as she fleed, fleed from her past. Her past haunted her everyday and she wanted to dissaper sometimes.
Sometimes she wanted to fly away. Away from everything that she knew. She knew that she diddent have a home to come to. To feel the warm hugs from a mother or a father. And maybe a little brother running around the house with limitless energy.
Her energy was at zero, she was hurt and could barley walk. But she kept walking but just a few meters, then she collapsed. She collapsed on the ground, tilting to the wall and breathing heavingly as the blood pumped in her veins and trying to heal the wound. The wound on her shoulder was from the pistol, she had been careless and thought they werent after her anymore. Not anymore when they had to focus on bigger things. Things that she just had flashes from. From the time when she was experimentet on. On both her mind and body. Her body was acing of pain and she was drawn back from her thoughts by a sound. It sounded like a siren, either a police or an amulance. She needed an ambulance now or never. But never that she would risk going to a hospital. The hospital would ask for her namn, and what would she say? Her namn was wanted? If she would survive, she needed a miracle.

And a miracle would come as she looked along the dark street and saw the light from Main way. In the light from the street a shadow appered. It appered and stopped walking and turned to look in the almost black alley. The figurer started walking in the alley torwards her and stopped a few steps away. She felt safe with the shadow, her shadow and she went away to sleep. To sleep as her shadow approched her and reached out for her. Her body fell into her shadows arms as she wispered in russia. 'Im forever thankful for your warm embrace.'

The shadows weiw:
When I stopped on Main Street to check my phone, I looked in the dark alley and saw a silluet. It was sitting against the wall and breathing heavingly. So I put my phone away and walked into the alley. When i was just a few steps away I could see that the silluet was a girl. She appered to be very well trained. I gazed at her and one of her hands were pressed hard against her left shoulder. It was dark red and I realised she was hurt. I crouched and put my arms out as she fell i to my embrace. She wispered with a reveling voice something in what appered to be russian. I was suprised when her breathing appered more regular and when i looked at her face she had blood running down from her eyebrow. Her eyes were locked and her expression were neutral with a tuch of pain, probably from her hurt shoulder. I held her for at least five minutes just looking at her and taking in what had happend.
I remembered her hurt shoulder and put her down on her back. The wound was pretty bad. I shook of my backpack from my back and opened it.
When I dug out everything to find the first aid kit I herd sirens. It sounded like police sirens but it could very well be ambulans sirens.
I found the first aid kit in the back of the bag, so i zipped it open and analysed it. I found what I needed right away. So I unpacked the tourniquet and pressed it against the wound. Held it in place with one hand and with the other I looked for an elastic bandage and found one in the back pocket and wrapped it around her shoulder to conceal the wound. Even if the only lightsource were from a street light a couple of meters away I could se she was very pale. She must have lost a lot of blood. So when i had wrapped the elastic bandage around her shoulder and secured it with a safetypin i had in my pocket. I put her on her back on my rainjacket and my sweeter served as a pillow. Then I returned to the first aid kit to look if there were some o- bloodbags. My hope sank as I almost had scavanged the hole kit. But in the last pocket, in a zip on the outside of the kit I found it. A pretty small bloodbag that Said o- on a etticet. I felt a strong determination and put my hand back in and pulled out a needle and a transparent rubber hose. After that I attached the needle to one end of the hose and just when i was going to put it in her skin. I reached in the same pocket and thankfully there were another identical needle and i put that in the other end of the rubber hose, tuck one of the needles in her and another in the bag. Then I squeezed the bloodbag, not to hard and the blood started to run into her as the color to her face returned a bit.
When the bag were empty i picked up another elastic bandage and took out the needle from her and wrapped the bandage around her wrist were I had stuck. I studies my work and nodded as I thought about what my next move might be. First I thought about calling an ambulance but as I remembered her reveled tone I hessitated. The wound seemed to be at least an hour old. She must have had plenty of time to call someone. Maybe she diddent want to? I asked myself. So after some batteling with my mind i packed the first aid kit in my backpack and put it on my stomach. So I looked at her and took a deep breath before heaving her up on my back. She diddent weight more than me, maybe 60 k.
My apartment were just a few blocks away. It might not be smart to go on to Main Street with a shot person om my back so I took the empty small dark streets.
When I arrived at the door, I picked up the key and put it in the door as I pressed the code. '5534,' I thought as I pressed it and turned my key in the lock to unlock the door.
I walked in and looked around, no one. I let go of the breath I diddent knew I held and pressed the lift 'up' button. The lift were on floor one in no time and no one was thankfully in it. So I walked in and pressed number 17, the highest floor. My back hurt, and I moved her to better her place on my back. When the doors opened no one was there and I walked to my apartment door, left, right and all the way down. I took up the keychain from my pocket again and selected the large silver one and unlocked the door. No one was there to meet me wich were not unusual. I flicked the lights on with the hand that had held the keys and turned around. Took the keychain out from the door and closed it, making sure it was locked. Then I made my way to the living room and put her down on the sofa with a pillow under her head.
I stretched my back and yawned. It was 10 pm and I looked at her. Put a thick blanket over her as it used to get cold in the big living room. I had already eaten dinner and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I went into my room and collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up i turned of the alarm. It was 7 am and I sat up on my bed. Stretched my back and arms and went up. It was Sunday and I was free. So I picked a big t-shirt and regular grey sweetpants. I went out and when I saw a person om my couch I freezed. Until I remembered the day before. Her reveled russian and her shot wound.
I looked at her and she was still sound asleep. So I stepped in to the kitchen, making sure I walked quiet and started making scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast.
When I was just puttning the last food on the table i herd really quiet fotsteg. The girl i had saved was standing in the dorrway and looking at me. She had taken of the bandage from both her shoulder and her wrist. I studied her and said.
"You should probably put the bandage back on. The wound might open again."
She just looked at me and then she said with a pretty cold voice.
"I heal fast"
Her voice were not to deep but not very light. It was clear and something extra to it, you almost got distracted by it.
"okay, then would you like some breakfast then?"
She looked at the food and then at me. I said jokingley.
"It's not posioned or anything."
She looked back at me with a sharp gaze and said while on her guard.
"How did you know what I was thinking?"
I raised my eyebrow as I said.
"I diddent, it was ment as a joke. But don't worry, it's just a perfectley fine meal." I Said and started to eat.
After some thinking she sat down and began to eat too.
It was pretty quiet and I wanted to ask what her namn was so I did.
"Do you mind telling me your name?"
She looked up at me first in suspision but then she said.
"I think my name is Winter, that is the name everyone calls me."
She started to space out and I snappade my fingers in front of her and she returned fast. I put out my hand and said with a smile.
"Nice to meet you Winter, Im Lovia."

Winter's weiw:
When me and Lovia sat and ate breakfast i studied her. She was pretty, her face was smooth with marken cheekbones and her eyes were a beutiful green blue color. A long slim nose and long hair. Her hair were just over the breasts wich were about the same size as mine.
It was colored tropical blue green as a tropical ocean with a slight dark brown at the roots. My hair were to the middle of my back and black like the darkest night. When I had looked myself in a mirrior on the wall in the hallway from the livingroom to the kitchen. I could notice a really small bit of dark brown hair att the roots. Much like Lovias.
She sat and ate without giving me much attention. Her focused gaze was directed to the scrambled eggs on her plate as she ate small scoops of it. She did notice how little I ate and when she looked at my plate. When hers was empty she raised to her feet and on her way to the kitchen with her plate and glass she said to me;
"You should eat, you needle food too survive and the energy it comes with to heal your wound. It's pretty bad, eat much and rest much."
She said and I repeted,
"I heal fast"
With a bit darker and colder voice than I would have liked. But Lovia appered to be unaffected by my cold voice. She came back to get more dishes, and put them in the dishwasher.
She looked at my half full plate then at me and asked:
"Are you finished?"
I looked up at her and nodded slightly. She grabben my plate and scraped the leftovers into the bin. Put my plate in the washer and looked back at me. She studied me and I looked at her. She was hard to read and it was difficult to see what she was going to do. She sighed and said:
"I have some work to do. Just do what you do."

Lovia dissapeard into her workroom to the left of the kitchen. I myslef sat down on the sofa again, what wiuld i do now? It was a question I thought about. Would they come and get me?


A Fragment Of My ImaginationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant