Finally after about 5 hours exploring the town, which was bigger than previously assuming, I made it home with items to make food. I don't know how this happens, but when you really aren't paying attention to the clock it sure does go by fast.

I was going easy tonight, steak and potatoes with asparagus on the side. Well the other side. I put the rest of the additional things I got at the store away and started making dinner. As soon as I put the food in the oven my dad walks through the door. He walks into the kitchen and opens himself a Coke, not at all saying "hi" to me.

"Hey! You didn't get one for me!?!?" I say jokingly complaining.

"Here have mine." "Nah! I'll just get my own thanks though!" I can hear his loud, deep chuckle fade away as he walks to the living room.

"Dinners almost done dad!!" I yell half an hour later. Within that half an hour, I had cleaned the dinner dishes, and whatever else was in the sink from this morning, wiped all the counters and set the table.

"Finally I'm starved!" He says, when I turned around he was seated at the table, with a fork in one hand the knife in the other, both sticking in the air. He had the napkin stuck at the neck of his shirt and had a wide smile on his face. He was jumping up and down in his seat like a three year old.

I swear my father, who is over 500 years old, is actually a, well, three year old.

Setting the food on the table in front of both plates I grabbed my water and sat down too.

This right here, the dinner table, has been the only thing that is steady in our lives. Whether it be a late day, or one of us is bone tired and we passed out, like last night, we were always going to have this. That father daughter bonding thing that involves food and conversation.

"So I heard there was a problem at school." He starts off. This must be why he didn't say "hi" to me earlier. He wanted details.

"Oh great, so you heard. Alright so let me tell you." He knew from just those words that it was gonna be good. Or well actually bad, but a good story. "One, the lady at the front desk is like the dragon lady. At first she was nice then when I asked about the schedule being complete crap she was mean and I'm sure she's evil. Two, I've had to deal with wolves all day long. Three, yeah I skipped the rest of the day. Four, on the plus side the guidance counselor is nice and we worked out my horrendous first schedule." I rant out.

"Well I had a meeting." He starts then takes a big bite out of the rare steak. "Wait! Is that all you did today? Go to a meeting?? Why didn't you cook dinner than?"

As you could see, I was aggravated by this. I wasn't mad, it was probably a long meeting. Saying as how today was the first real day we were here.

"The meeting lasted ten hours. There's a lot of problems here that we need to fix. We'll probably be here for a while. Maybe a year. Maybe longer." He gave me a nervous glance then went back to his food. He knew this would be hard news to bare.

"A year?" I say more to myself than anything. I slumped back into my seat be for muttering, "But... but.... why?"

"I thought you hated moving so much? I thought you would like that we could stay for longer." He was right, and yet wrong, I would like to stay for a longer period of time, but it was impossible for me to stay in one place for a long period of time. The nightmares could get bad. Would get bad. 

We ate in silence after that, other than the scraping of utensils on plates, there wasn't another noise in the house.

"I'll do the dishes." He said as I got up to put my plate away.

"It was your turn anyways!" I was up the stairs in a matter of what felt like second. I walked into my room to get my clothes and towel for the shower, turned the water on full heat.

I did the rest of my bathroom duties before putting my now wet hair in a bun and going to bed. It had been a long day, and tomorrow was just going to be longer.

Four days, mind in chaos, and sleep needed.


Okay so I know it seems like she's disrespecting her dad, but that's just their relationship. They say I love you to each other, and they have a wonderful relationship. It's just not a normal looking one.

And I'll get to the person she keeps talking about soon, patience is a virtue. Well okay I'm not a patient person but there's more going on.

Alright night, or morning, or afternoon people of wattpad!! See you next week!


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