A New Friend

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(A/N from future Me here, I wrote this chapter a long time ago and my writing style wasn't as fluent as it is now. I hope you can look past the first few awkward chapters. It gets v good soon! Thanks :) )

Mark is 18 years old, starting his senior year of High school off right with a cool new style and upgraded body :3 lol Enjoy

- In Mark's house with his father and older brother-
- This chapter is in Mark's perspective-

I stare into the mirror for a few moments as I assess my outfit.

Shoes, Cool. Jeans, Dark and ripped. T-shirt, Grey, fitted tightly onto my muscular body. Hair, red and floofed with an "I dont care punk look."

I fix my pocket chain as I finish admiring myself. I'm ready to go to school. I slung my backpack over my shoulder with only one strap. I walk past my brother, Tom's room. Vacant, obviously at work. I walk down the stairs to greet my dad as he takes a picture of me.

"Uhg Dad really?" I ask jokingly while he gives me a hug.

"Yes, really Mark! It's your last year of school!" He gave me his most "I'm proud of you smile" and his "I'm so happy for you eyes"

"Thanks Dad. I love you, I gotta go catch my bus though! See you later."

I could see him waving goodbye as I walk out the front door to my bus stop. (If you haven't already noticed, I love my dad. He's the greatest. Even though he's been through a lot with my mom and his divorce he still always manages to give me a smile every morning.)

I silently plan out my day while walking towards the corner of the steet. I pause for a moment at the sight of a boy at my stop. There's another kid that goes to this stop? I silently ask myself and then shrug.
As I got closer I could tell this kid was a pretty ordinary kid. Based on his outward apperance, he seemed about my age. Tight, red shirt with navy blue jeans and green hair almost hidden by a beanie.

"Sup man." I smile lightly while staring at his eyes, waiting for him to face me

"Me?" He replies with an Irish accent as thick as butter

"Yeah you man, you're the only one here aren't ya'?" I say laughing slightly

"ye I guess." He replied sticking out his hand expecting me to shake it with a nervous laugh "Me names Seàn, but my friends call me Jack." I give him a handshake awkwardly.

"Mark, Mark Fischbach." I reply smiling slightly

We both turn away from each other as the bus pulls up. I let him on first then I follow searching for a seat. "Only one empty seat left." I say to myself as I plop myself down next to Jack sitting with an arm resting over top the back of the seat.

The bus driver picks up her intercom and begins addressing herself and the rules of the bus.

"Hello guys! My name is Amy and I'll be your Bus Driver this year! Isn't that fun?" I stopped listening after that beacause she was just way too perky for me. I spaced out until I feel a small finger prod me gently in the arm.

"Hey Mark! Did ya hear that? she said these are our permanent seats for the whole year!" Jack stated enthusiastically, his blue eyes shining in the L.A. sun happily staring into mine.

"Oh cool man." stated not so enthusiastically. I had to look away from his gaze. "He's a nice kid, but I just get this... feeling from looking at him... I dunno maybe I'm just crazy." I pondered that thought for all of what seemed like a second until I saw our prison... I mean school for the next year.... but hey! At least I made friends with someone who isn't a total dweeb I glance at him flashing a smile as we head off the bus.

Hey guys! it's so fun writing this! I will definitely continue. Who likes who first? What will happen? no one knows :D except for me. you should totally check out and follow this amazing author LogiPoo READ EVER AFTER ITS AMAZING I PROMISE!!! Love you guys and I'll cya in the next chapter bah-byeee *waves*

A little more than friends (A Septiplier Story)Where stories live. Discover now