Holding out for a win

Start from the beginning

"Oh look! Now you don't have an army!" Krystaliale mocked Jim who was still petrified. Everything had slowed down from his view point; the sounds, the movements-everything. It was as if a mega bomb filled with rotten eggs had just blown up right in his face. The enemy army was suddenly free to advance and it was extremely energised now that they could put their best foot forward. The red queen leaped forward with a singular aim of splitting Jim, who was still kneeling on the ground, into two. As the sword came down all fully blazing, Jim turned his left hand and looked at his palm. Just as the sword was about to come into contact with his head, all the silver rings broke off his fingers and a tornado exploded out of him throwing Krystaliale hundreds of metres away. The storm grew into the sky and the clouds rapidly turned very dark. Jim stood up as did Krystaliale who was trying to comprehend what had just happened. He was clearly not the same as he had been before. Now, he was more of an embodiment of pure energy without a hint of emotion.           

"Let's do this...Windra" He said looking at his sword. It would seem that he had finally managed to tame the raging beast that was his sword-Windra. Even as he stood still, there were sparks coming off the edge of blade. When they witnessed the sudden change in weather, the invading army knew that had to rush to their queen's aid. However, the holders were not willing to let them through.                     

"Archers!!" The commander shouted.

"Not that again!!" Austime reacted, understandably. There was a hail of arrows headed in their direction. Takerine rushed to the front, raised her hands and waved them to the left swaying all the arrows out of the way. However, as she dealt with the first wave of arrows, another wave came too fast for her to react. Djen rushed to her aid and waved her wand shattering all the arrows into splinters. It seemed that this time the holders would be able to handle anything thrown at them! But the red army wasn't done yet. From the very back of the assembly, several humungous boulders were hurled at them. Everything was happening too fast, they needed to slow it down a little and that exactly what Chronomus did. He stared at the boulders and they all froze mid-air. The holders were doing so well on the defensive but sooner or later they had to mount an offensive. As Djen, Takerine and Chronomus took care of the cover, the rest of holders leaped into offensive mode. Dominus sprung forward with his rod and span it about creating a small storm of sparks that whirled away a great deal of the enemy army. Feblyssa followed closely behind and struck the boulders

Chronomus had frozen in the sky splitting them into several pieces that fell on the heads of the opponents. Claspem, Austime and Smyth were active as well. Smyth destroyed a lot of the weapons of the foes and their shields too by touching or moving into their vicinity. In a very short time, more than half of the army remaining men were now lights in the sky and the holders were not relenting. The sky was still dark from Windra's rage and the day much darker for invading army. Fanarbey was standing quietly somewhere far away from both of the fights, you would be forgiven for thinking he was a neutral umpire...    

In the other fight, Krystaliale was completely overwhelmed with the sheer strength of the wind scythes that were thrown her way. Jim was rapidly swinging his blade throwing wind sickles at the red queen. The power in the scythes was demonstrated by the ones she was able to dodge which destroyed entire buildings! Those she wasn't able to evade lifted her up and threw her several metres above before dropping her to into the rubble. Each time, the red queen stood up and charged forward with her blue flames. Her commitment to not giving up was extremely annoying. Jim had been holding back in each of his attacks hoping that she would just give up eventually. From the look of things, the red queen had no such plans and he finally realised that he had to fully deploy his power or this fight would never end. As Krystaliale stood up and charged again as she had done countless times, Jim held Windra with both of his hands and put all his power into the next attack. He swung the blade and hit Krystaliale with a massive scythe wrapped in lightning lifting her hundreds of metres into the sky and sending a massive wave of wind throughout the city.

Slowly, he moved over to where she had dropped. She was still very much alive, capable and willing to continue fighting! Apart from her clothes that were a bit damaged, she had not suffered much in injuries!                                                                                 

"Why do you keep getting up when you cannot win?" Jim asked, "Why don't you just go back home?"                                                                                                                                                                                   

Krystaliale didn't answer. She instead focused on getting herself out of the rubble and back on her feet once again. Unexpectedly, she charged in with an attack but Jim reacted reflexively with a swing of such massive power the sword was completely covered in lightning sparks. The red queen caught the blade with her left hand and there was a massive explosion which destroyed several blocks all around.

When the dust settled, the only damage they had both suffered was just the dirt that accumulated on their garments. Krystaliale's hand was still firm on Jim's blade. Her leather glove had completely been destroyed and the hand was bleeding.                                                                                                            

"Go home?! I could kill you right now Creed..." She said and then released his sword, "But then you would miss the most important part of this war...my victory."                            

Hey!!Thanks a lot for your time;)


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